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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. from personal experiences: If she has mail coming to you're address you will legally have to evict her (if she doesnt want to leave). Even if there isn't any lease agreement or shit like that cops won't do anything. Also don't just threw her shit out and change the locks if she's going to be pissed, she can make you let her back in. If she left peacefully, then yes change all locks immeditaly and tell her to fuck off. GL. Bitches be crazy
  2. 4yrs, but may add another that would be 8years.
  3. ok guys sounds like a plan! I will have 4 with me so let me know a total and ill try to make a reservation (if they don't ill do call ahead) so we don't have to wait around!
  4. i think my brother will ride with us if we need more people.
  5. you guys just want to meet at fatheads at 12:00 sunday?
  6. i can speak some spanish, but can understand everyone (my ex of 6yrs was venezulan). I also love spanish food.
  7. coming with my brother, girl, and my son who is 2. so no fine dining, something like $8-15/person deal. good food. not going to drink so idc about beer and the bar
  8. well i really dont want to wait 1-2hrs up in cleveland (now here in cbus i have no problem doing that when i go to thurman cafe). So where should i go?
  9. No Dave's and busters, no bds those are both here. Looking for something like man vs. Food style place. I think I may have to try the melt
  10. I'm ready to whip this ktm all over the place. Took the husky out and was drifting it yesterday in preparation
  11. hahaha. Gotta go. I wouldn't make a random trip there. InyaAzz.... maybe its a good thing you wont be there
  12. I've never really spent much time there, but ill be up there this sunday. looking for a good place to eat (lunch) and maybe something to do in the morning.
  13. claims he was offered $38k but wouldn't take it.
  14. sell him the tire, i take him and the bike to iron pony for mount and balance win win
  15. i can do this tomorrow for sure i have to go to iron pony too edit i can help today. i get off work at 6:30 though.
  16. hahahahah I hope there was people in there ahahahah
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