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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. man i thought kidneys were worth more..
  2. how did you set that up to sell on there? I would like to do that for us.
  3. this bike is Hard http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2008-Kawasaki-ZX-14-Ninja-Muzzy-Pingel-Vortex-Galespeed-/170649782480?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item27bb8508d0
  4. i vote easy because i dont have dual sport tires on the husky.
  5. If you believe there aren't $1800 loans, you must wear a tin foil hat to protect you from aliens too.
  6. FUCK COPS! FUCK THEM ALL! Honestly if they all werent pieces of shit they wouldnt have to worry about people filming them. I hope the couple sues the shit out of the city.
  7. just expect at one point you will go down. It's inevitable. No matter how good of a rider you are.
  8. you've never felt the added traction have you?
  9. thinking about that, my brother went and looked at it (i was with him), idk what he's doing. That bike is really clean, i may just want something new with better performance.
  10. i forgot about the bmw's that may be the choice. I dont want a sport tourer. I ride a sumo i dont care about comfort lol.
  11. damn ive taken so much time off this month, and requested time for next month, but I really want to do this.
  12. this is gangster http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DUCATI-2008-HYPERMOTARD-1100S-/180676782643?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2a112cea33
  13. Well the sumo is fun, but fat bitches can't ride on the back so I need something I can put a air shock on (since I'm sure they'll blow out the normal one). Maybe a harley with a sidecar with upgraded leafsprings off a f-350? But really i want a sportbike to haul a passenger and to go faster than 80mph on the freeway. I'm thinking: RC51 R1 Hayabusa RSV maybe a duc (dont know alot about them). minimum requirement is 1000cc
  14. I haz not road wif u. I r Squid. Can I brink my Katana and break it luse at 140.
  15. found this girl while fb stalking a hot stripper.
  16. sorry to hear, hopefully he has a speedy recovery
  17. Carwhore

    Bad Day

    that sucks. Sometimes you just need to cut your losses. What are you going to replace it with?
  18. Moving and I need to get a storage unit today. Made a few calls and everything seems to be around $90-100mo. Id really like to find something for like $50 ( I've rented garages at apartment complexes for $50 before.
  19. shoulda been going 1.40$ and kicked it sideways past the pole.
  20. nope, he's not going to allow someone on here to get her now. yeah, and I think i may of bit off a little more than I can chew. Could you take her back?
  21. this might work. When can you meet?
  22. I'll gladly take the ladder off your hands. I have a perfect spot in the garage where I can hang it, so I won't need any of the extra's that you have for it, but I do want to make it clear, I'm not going to pay you anything for it.
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