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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. Thanks Bauce, But i should of noted that I need one around the c-bus.
  2. I need to put a piece of trim back on my house on the facia. Need it this weekend. I have a truck to pick it up in, and also budlight to leave at your house. Or if you preferred I can go classy and get some PBR:D
  3. my lcp in my front pocket. or my other larger guns get a iwb holster
  4. Carwhore

    Epic Meal Time

    i love epic meal time!
  5. http://www.krispykreme.com/Stores/Locator
  6. should probably put this in here. If anyone wants to adopt a dog and take care of it look out here. They normally charged $120+iirc but it looks like their running some specials. http://www.franklincountydogs.com/index2.cfm As Sky will probably end up here since Ringo can't take care of her and won't allow this to happen.
  7. exactly! I called it. If your member is on here, have him pm ben. And then let ben let us know if someone is getting the dog or not, that way no s/n are involved. But I think its bs. If you had an offer, you would of said that in the thread and had it locked. My offer is still available. You were on here for probably 25mins before you even responeded to your thread, I had to leave you a visitor message, then you responeded.
  8. money is not an issue. I could quit and not work for 2yrs and live my same life style if i choose. I choose not to give you the money.
  9. I left you a message on your phone, when are you going to return the call?

  10. i was riding down on campus and this dot head fuck face (i was in the far left hand lane on the right side, my buddy garrett was in the center lane left side), this guy came into my lane and almost knocked me off my bike. We were at a stop sign and it had just turned green, he was already driving so he decided to pass us. I quickly realized what happen, sped up and knocked his fucking mirror off the door. FUCK PEOPLE!
  11. Well left Ringo a message on his cell. Asking when I can come pick sky up. Left my number.
  12. This is a true animal lover. Ill thrown in $100 to make up the balance, but I doubt we heat from him again in this thread.
  13. now just sell that dsm and you'll be looking good.
  14. if you let me drive that 7.3
  15. i never said he's allowed taking our truck out of state.
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