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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. Absolutely! I'm up for it anytime...So far I don't have any rides planned, but if u here of any, let me know!

  2. Dubguy85

    Free Concert

    I saw them and all american rejects at flannigans a few months back...they are......ok.... It was 10 bucks to see all american rejects and sister hazel...
  3. Does Scenary have to do with it? I'm Def in, but need to know for sure, cause I don't wanna ask this girl to do this, and then have this not pan out!
  4. HAHA...I just sold an 06 gsxr 750 with not a scratch on it, and 1500 miles for 6800....Good luck getting 6... WOW
  5. I have an amazing carpet installer and will do it cheap..... I just need to track his number down...let me see if I can find it somewhere!
  6. I need a good painter to paint my cornhole set! U know of any?
  7. So why can't u take it back and say they F'ed something up???
  8. It is officially gone! Fit nicely in his van...Almost like a tetris piece!
  9. I think freezer is GONE! thanks justin and moose
  10. I'm leaving today at 4...Has to be gone by then...If not tomorrow can work... But whoever wants it, can come get it...I don't like lookin at it!
  11. Dubguy85


    Welcome! I'm a desmo guy as well, but not very active on the boards!
  12. Depends on age! Id say 1 for sure... Maybe 2 if young enough
  13. Nope..Madcat was gonna buy them, but..............
  14. LOL for sure...Id buy 10 of them at that price...He prob wants 16K .... Or scam either way... Cause its a S with full termi system...Im thinking 16

  15. OH great...Now ur gonna think mine is a slow piece of shit!
  16. LOL ZING! Maybe we can take a ride this week and make a lil swappy for a bit.
  17. HAHA! U can have it! I'm in this super cleaning mode right now, and just want it out! Garage is getting some new mods, and this is slowing down the process! So yes... First come first serve
  18. LAME! Sell that shit and get a 1000rr
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