i'm a helmet snob and have had soumy, arai, shoei, bell star, and hjc rps-10. if your head is an oval shape, id get the bell star. my personal favorite for my head is my 2 hjc rps-10's. the spies and the patriot.. sweet lids!
I'm selling my 2500 watt Generator. I bought this at a trade show for work a year ago in October and has been a GREAT trackday generator.. It is perfect for two sets of warmers, and could even add a fan on too. It has wheels for easy rolling around. Its a 4 stroke and is one of the quitest non inverters I've heard...
Price $150
Only minor issue is I live in Indianapolis now.. However I think I'm going to columbus to visit next weekend.. That is all!
was going around turn 2 and passing a guy on the outside.. a guy in front of him low sided.. the guy in front of me stood it up and tried to avoid but jumped over his bike.. So now I have two guys down and 2 bikes down in front of me.. I tried to avoid and ride off the track and had no where to go.. Threw me over the bars on my back.. Not too bad.. My body work has been repainted by D-Swens from Wera and I was putting everything back together when I saw the broken piece.. Clip on broke, brake reservoir bracket, and bodywork.. Now this.. Hopefully thats the last of it!
No hard bags, he used soft... Yes it has.. U apparently don't know my dad very well.. U won't find a used one in better shape.. He's owned like 6 ducs in 5 years and just ordered the new penagali.. U can call Indy Duc about his bikes.. They are as clean as they come
my dad is trading his 11 standard red in for a 12 with the new paint that hasn't come out yet.. If you catch him before he trades it in I'm sure he'll give ya a good deal.. Not sure what he wants for it, but its MINT.. he has around 13K miles on it.. He went to Dallas and back and a few other long rides.. Let me know
Broncos bandwagon... Maybe.. Tebow bandwagon.. Nope.. He's been my favorite since he was a freshman at Florida... Either way.. He just made my night... GO JESUS... GO TEBOW!
I had a Patriot.. same car as compass for a company car.. blew the transmission because of towing.. those cars are absolute SHIT! I wouldn't take another free one.. HORRIBLE