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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. Dubguy85

    2006 vfr800

    I think I saw that one on craigslist.. nice snag.. I might be lookin for one soon.. Absolutely love those bikes!
  2. We are doing mid ohio on the 20th.. If I wasn't doing that Id join ya.
  3. PM sent.. I might need to trade my green for that black and red... think the green is to small!
  4. Hey turd ass! Did you forget about me?
  5. That would be great, but I didn't see a power plug, av cables, etc... Not sure where all that crap would go!
  6. I just spit my coke out! I don't LIIIVE at Putnam! I just grew up there!
  7. Yes sir.. U started 1 person behind me, and I passed u on the track.. True or False MR BAY?!?!
  8. I just jumped in because Ninja Nick said I couldn't push a bike hard enough to notice one vs the other... WRONG... So then that made me say fine, lets take it to the track, and he can ride whatever he wants his 14 or zx10, and I will be faster than him... THAT was the bet I wanted! ME vs Ninja Nick ON A TRACK... Not the ghey street... Anyone who pushes on the street is ... Its not worth it... I have better things to do with my time than risk my life on the street.
  9. Any roadcourse you want! Putnam, Mid O, Gingerman, Nelson, Beaver??? Oh I'm game for sure! Correct! I can push a bike on a track enough to feel the ability of a bike.. It might not be to a bike's limits, but enough to know I can push a different bike harder and feel more comfortable and stable! I can honestly guarantee that I can run better times on a gsxr 1000 than a zx10. Perfect.. Let me know the date! Posting Putnam Vid soon!
  10. Let me post a vid of me "Lapping" that 10 from Putnam... Give me a day or so!
  11. U take a zx10 on a track, and I'll take my gsxr 600, and loser pays for the other persons track day! Deal? I guarantee that I would run faster times on a track with a 600 than I would a zx10. Now, give me a 1000rr, s1000rr, or a light liter bike, then it might be a different story!
  12. I wanna play softball!!! I have a game tomorrow!
  13. Don't buy Vortex levers.. my dad just bought a set and they didn't even fit right.. They were part specific but he still had to grind them to fit...
  14. looks big and heavy.. I bet it will turn like poo just like the old ones!
  15. I thought it was the straight away pass that made u love it
  16. HEHEHE! U loved mine didn't you
  17. Any news on the purchase?

  18. YES! Got it before Midnight! Done! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqfHNjHOSo
  19. We mostly stayed at my parents house. We had 9 people there...
  20. Here is video 1. Me trying to chase down APCH8r http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs4ofAcYXFk I will post a vid of me following Ross Tomorrow.
  21. I will be posting mine soon... Still not in Ohio yet, but I will post as soon as I get back.. NIck the velcro worked like a CHARM! Good stuff...
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