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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. I've seen them going for around 4... Economy is tough... Prob not to far off.
  2. Shift for the win!!!!!!!!!!! Be careful with white though... They tend to look NASTY quick.. Although SWEET when kept spotless!
  3. Died... Prob not... drilling a hole in his skull to drain blood.. PROBABLY I agree... A helmet is not something I'm going to skimp on.... Dot and Snell approved for me! (Not that the HJC CL-15 isn't snell or dot) I'm just sayin!
  4. And I by no means am faster than you..I can almost assure you, that you are faster.. I was just wondering why mine were scrapin... In our pics in the avatars you can tell u are leaned over more, and your toe is still farther from the ground... Might be time to move my rearsets up
  5. Really? My toe slider hits all the time... Must be foot positioning or my rear set positioning...
  6. +1 I think that was a novice class... Still pretty cool for 2 up
  7. Deal of the century right here!!! http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Categories.bok?category=Close+Out+Center%3ABoots I have these... They are a pretty good value too http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=4396
  8. There are two stories of how it happened. Story one from the guy behind him "He was in turn 11 and was cutting it to sharp and the front wheel went off the track, when trying to come back on the track something caught and high sided. Story 2 from Justin (Lets not forget he remembers the bike kicking out and then waking up in the ambulance) He said he was going into 11 to hot, tried to turn in hard, and he remembers the bike bucking and then the rear tire coming out from under him. We aren't exactly sure how it happened really.
  9. HAHA... Thats what we said when we all got there.. Not so funny anymore!
  10. Don't think the bike is a loss... We haven't went through it very well yet, but Clip on, windscreen, rear wheel, rearset, swing arm, brake reservoir def need replaced. Haven't checked, frame, forks, etc. He is ok now. He was completely knocked out on the track. Had to go to the ER and get a CT scan but everything came back positive. They even confirmed he DOES have a brain! Jennings was super cool about it.. They even gave him a free "I crashed at Jennings" Tee shirt!! Helmet did its job!
  11. Josh Bay (Kawasaki Guy) Justin Cardwell (Tomato Racing) My Dad, and I went to Jennings... Had a blast... Unfortunately, Tomato went down... Good news.. It was caught by the photographer! The Good The Bad
  12. This winter blows, but went to Florida with Tomato Racing and Kawasaki Guy for a track day! That helped!
  13. A race suit is nothing to mess around with. You don't want loose, but def do not want to tight. Id say find a race back protector, and maybe even hib and thigh and retry on. Better safe than sorry!
  14. LOL... There will be PLENTY people runnings Novice...
  15. Yea, 75 might be tough... I'm thinking we can pull off 50ish... I'll try and see how many people I can get... Maybe we start a list on the first post and see who has PAID, so we can put some pressure on the guys who are all talk
  16. I'm down.. Doing barber the weekend before then grattan then gingerman!
  17. That's what is so sweet about stt track days! The instruction and novice classes are outstanding! U will be just fine man!
  18. No, I do not have a smoked visor. It would cost about 15 to ship. I'm sorry, but I wont do 85 shipped.
  19. +1 .. I know you are happy but thats just a big tease with no pics... Pics THEN POST!
  20. $125... I'm going to put it on wera for $150 shipped.
  21. As long as it wasn't crowded, Id be in for a Intermediate and Novice.. 30 minute sessions!
  22. Its not too far man... u can come up with us.. We should have an open slot for ya.. I'm actually doing Barber on 6th and 7th, Grattan on the 14th and Gingerman on the 16th! WEEEEEE!
  23. Monte, I would suggest you start a new thread now! This one is very long and bunch of crap!
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