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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. I just say.. Yea, you are right, but i'll die with a smile on my face ... But seriously.. Thats what I say... Its a risk to ride, its a risk to drive, heck its a risk to walk on an icy driveway.. Only thing we can do is to be as safe as possible, and try to avoid the cage ass hats... Not much more u can say...
  2. I've always thought the same thing....
  3. WOW...Great deal...April 24 and 25th are sketchy weather wise, but thats my birthday..I might just have to do this! WOOT
  4. Blue Jackets vs Nashville Section 204 Row H Face value is $44.00 per ticket I'll take $60 for all 4 If in Columbus, I can meet you somewhere tomorrow.. If you want them, text me..I won't be on OR much 317 727 5137
  5. Depends what you need...Simple change of fluids, i'm sure many from here can help... If you want some "real work" that is over my head, and a lot on here, u might need to take it to a good mechanic on the board...Issacs papa does good work..
  6. IMHO black is the best rc color hands down...Very rare too
  7. I'll sell you my 2008 1000rr with mods and only 1300 miles
  8. 1. Yes he rides like a POOF 2. If you have to ask, you can't afford it
  9. Issacs papa did ... Then you said "OH NOES, we are myth bustin" BLA BLA... Thats why I wrote that
  10. Not trying to be a dick but have you read this thread at all? But to answer your question.. NO, "U" will not need new brake lines or brakes...Stocks will be more than sufficient!
  11. And wikepedia is always credible
  12. O noes, I myth busted your myth bust http://www.articlealley.com/article_829306_31.html I think we are going to have to agree to disagree
  13. http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=222458 Only downside is its carbed, but they were just cleaned...Would be a great first trackbike!
  14. Exactly... that's what we've been saying this whole time!!! ZACH... Have u EVER been on a track?
  15. Its just to bad that this keeps happening... Didn't this Just happen with their svx or whatever?
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