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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. Its getting to be the time of year...I've already signed up for 5 track days... Lets pick a day and get it on the schedule!
  2. Someone made a sweet calendar on another forum, so thought I'd pass it along! http://www.google.com/calendar/embed...dar.google.com Edit, so you don't have to go to the other forum! Thanks casper
  3. I got a GoPro HD from the GF! Trackdays here we come!
  4. Worst idea ever! Id give up street riding before I gave up track riding... SEARCH FOR THE MONEY MAN......SEARCH!!!!!!!
  5. FML... I'm not a news watcher... MY bizad
  6. Got this in an email today "Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever.Great stories. But two things made me take it down. First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by. Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."
  7. Thats like making a thread and saying "tell me which motorcycle works the best and what they like the best" You are going to get 100 different answers from 100 different people... Some people say never get home theater in a box , some people say the more you spend the better, and some people say a $200 full system with dvd, reciever, speakers, etc is the perfect thing they ever wanted.... Just find a budget, do some research, and make a purchase... SOMETHING is better than NOTHING... So i'm sure you will be happy with whatever you choose...
  8. I got one at sears but it was like $65 or so... But don't get a cheap one, my roomate got a harbor freight one, and it broke and it snapped something he was using it on because it was broke!
  9. I'm a big fan of something called "Haywire" and thought it was pretty uncommmon and the Giant Eagle by me had a pretty impressive selection in their big fridge area... Not sure if they have Little Kings or not though.. Not sure if you remember sam that used to ride with me all the time he always got some good stuff at "World Market"
  10. I bet she is saying "wow I can't believe after all these years, I can still fit in my highschool jeans"
  11. How about a free dyno tune and I bring my new bike over today * edit - Oops I broke rule #1
  12. You SOB! I haven't cried in years.... I have to start my streak over again! I hate you!
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