I work from 9-3pm at Solar Shade. If anyone wants to come by, I would like to go for a ride after work today. One big circle that leads back to my shop, where we can order pizza from one of springboro's 8 different pizza stores or anywhere we stop along the way. Of course, I'm not confident enough to lead, but I can if I have too. Though my route isn't very fun, just scenic (to me). Here is my shop: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1673+East+State+Route+73,+Waynesville,+OH+45068&sll=39.545882,-84.162955&sspn=0.025779,0.065875&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1673+Old+State+Route+73+E,+Waynesville,+Warren,+Ohio+45068&ll=39.545105,-84.162902&spn=0.006652,0.016469&z=17 Yes, it's a bribe. I just want to meet more of the OR people!