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Everything posted by Hondajt

  1. someone call me. I'm leaving for columbus, and going to the dyno guys shop. thanks.
  2. I'm coming, but can only make it to the party.
  3. So where should I GO!!!???????? I wont be showing up till 5pm. Should I go to the location of the party?
  4. I'm going. But only for the party since I work till 3pm.
  5. I don't get off work till 3pm, and its a 1.5 hour drive. Where do you think you will be at around 4:30-5pm?
  6. we are kayaking, and its for drinking and seeing boobs. The rest is just killing time on a sunny day.
  7. I'm going to go Kayaking. Or else I'd go. Though y'all can join us on the canoe trip if you want.
  8. I'll be by, but later. I just got comfortable at gf's home.
  9. at night time, does the cop have to have lights on in order to be out doing radar? Why I ask: I was going down I-675 south a couple exits before I-75 south. It was about 10pm, and dark outside. I clearly saw a police officer at the bottom of the hill, with the police car door open, and him leaning on it, shooting radar. All of the car's light's were off, including the siren's. His interior dome light was on. Maybe even a map light. But nonoe of that was visible until I was directly across from the car. If he would have gotten someone for speeding, would it have been legal?
  10. yeah, Should I still be "Swinging by?"
  11. yeah, I love boobies. Anyone want to help me on my quest to see them all?
  12. you selling your bike? I'm in the market for a magna.

  13. I think this map is more helpful: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=600+S+Orchard+Ln,+Beavercreek&sll=39.704039,-84.019903&sspn=0.094825,0.153809&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr
  14. yeah, I think you're right. A little weather shouldn't determine my fate.
  15. Yeah, I'm game. But I'm only rocking a Joe Rocket Mesh/Textile jacket probably. I know that might offend some people.
  16. Stupid hot weather. Where can I move to, where it's 60 degrees outside all year?
  17. very very cool. BTW, what bike is in your sig? Is that a Single sided swing arm?
  18. I'll pull the code and get back to you.
  19. Well, my bike is having issues. 1.) Its hard to start. I may have to start it three time before it stays running. 2.) While driving down the road it feels restricted. Like I am also applying the brake. But in the motor. 3.)The FI light comes on after shifting out of first or second gear. 4.) Then the throttle becomes very twitchy. Very sensitive and jumpy. Any thoughts? 2000 with 20K, recent oil, spark plug and air filter change. Switched to NGK plugs.
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