Steam burn. I actually had 2 pairs of boots on, leather work boots and rubber slip on boots( i work in a food plant). The steam burned through both pairs and melted my sock to my foot. Felt great when they scrubbed it off.
Your foot looks like mine when i got burned last year at work. I couldnt walk for about 4 months. I feel your pain. I hope you get better. Lucky i work for a good company that payed me while i was off, even overtime.
I feel your pain, I go through a bout with kidney stones every couple of years. They are no joke. Hopefully its only a one time thing for you. Hope you feel better soon
This is something i always wanted to do since i got back from iraq in 05. My dad was a vietnam vet and he told me stories of being spit on at a airport when he returned home. He was ashamed to wear his uniform after that. That kinda shit pisses me off. What do you have to do to join?
I would do the route 66 trip. I Always wanted to do a long distant trip out west. Just a word of advice, if you plan on having kids DO THE TRIP NOW. Any way you choose have a blast and get plenty of pics.