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Everything posted by V4junkie

  1. Commenting on your own pics huh? She must visit the site lol
  2. Dump them on the floor and see if they dive out of the chair to get them NOM NOM NOM
  3. That's a good point. . . because of the gearing changes and no healer mine read way high when I bought it so I just checked "not actual" on the title.
  4. Haha so what happened to the post about not a fast ride? Lemme guess, Julie's throttle got stuck and she had to ride it that way through the hills
  5. I did understand the 37:63 weight distribution. Boo!
  6. Is it just my lack of sleep or does that all kinda run together? I mean I can read some Chinese but that block of text just made my brain run out of my ears.
  7. Don't look at the love ones on that site if you are about 2 days behind on sleep and in a really good relationship. Getting misty in my cubicle, I had to scratch my balls just to feel manly again.
  8. Oh man, and I have to read all of this from my cubicle. Sucks to be me. /pity party
  9. V4junkie


    BEAutiful, I wish Kawi still made good looking bikes...
  10. ^ Good call, that thing is a big improvement in looks over the 350z
  11. OR is like the internet's Price Is Right, don't mess with these people
  12. Looks cool. Although she's lookin a little pudgy around the middle section.
  13. So much wisdom. He's like the Dalai Lama of OR.
  14. I'm pretty sure by the time you get that thing aimed I'm going to have smacked you upside the head
  15. It started out life as a Suzuki, how much worse could life get? And then that happened.
  16. I was afraid of that...why did I come in here?
  17. WAT? Never heard that before. Let me illustrate:
  18. The one on Dodridge? (sp?) lol I have driven past that thing a gajillion times but I still stare at it. Huh, I didn't know all these people on import bikes would be domestic car people. Go figure
  19. That is a good story, thanks for posting
  20. Wait . . . just noticed only one front wheel. I like it a little bit less now.
  21. Doesn't lean but looks really cool. Why did they mention the bike obscures the left view? The car is for the passenger. Just really well put together. I'll take one!
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