I would explain her side but it sure seems like a lot of effort to explain for someone who has expressed no interest in buying the bike. Thanks for your input. Now would you kindly please leave this 'For Sale' thread and take your insights elsewhere? As said in the OP, if anyone is interested in the bike please email the owner or contact me and I'll relay your message.
As long as you aren't shooting for the 1050 model you won't be spending too much. For example: http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1279082899.html Then again the I3 motor may not have the diversity from the I4 to necessitate a second bike. I still think the Honda is your best bet, especially because they're so cheap now.
Yeah it does. Disclaimer: I've never bought a bike new and don't plan on it. MotOhio could very well be a cool place to buy a bike, but I generally assume the consumer gets the short end. Especially a first time buyer.
Looks like they had their council meeting, showing wasn't as strong as I thought it might be. The comments are quite interesting, I've been avoiding Heath but now I'm curious to go down there and see if it looks any emptier. Story here: http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090804/NEWS01/908040307&s=d&page=#pluckcomments