BTW just got my stereo and Xbox back together for the first time in a couple months. Who wants to play me at SFIV? Better do it now before I get the rust out.
Hey I think she has a bubble butt but she still complains if the road isn't like glass. She does catch some funny reactions from parents and when she taught 7th sometimes the students hit on her. She never looked 12 to me but that probably means I have a good attention for detail or I am pedobear reincarnated.
She's off school for the summer ya idiot. Seriously though, she teaches lol. I want to sometime soon but once she drives the hour NW to where I am and I ride the next 45min W to Cbus it gets to be a big production. Not to mention 16 has some retarded seams and she doesn't have much padding
Dang we should've pushed you over to Yota's friend. I was not thinking last night. Of course I would have videotaped the whole thing for posting hehehe