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Everything posted by jessecwalters

  1. ....i didnt see anywhere, that it looked like the guy was trying to pull a gun. but i guess i wasnt there, so.
  2. well, one good thing about deployment, is you can take it out on the enemy. Thats what id do atleast
  3. T They were born. That's what wrong with people.
  4. T They were born. That's what wrong with people.
  5. meh, kinda funny. too short really. but thats just me, and its been awhile since i seen forrest gump
  6. Haha Budlight it will be probably then.
  7. well that doesnt help.
  8. Hahah cool. When you send the invite, send what kinda beer you guys want.
  9. hm, my wife will be buying it then. im > 21
  10. Cool, well i guess if you guys dont mind teaching. I have a retarded schedule, but hopefully I will be able to make it to some of these. I need to bring anything?
  11. Yea thatd be cool. But at the moment, I have no experience what so ever shooting. Unless you count bb guns and paintball guns. So taking the class first would prolly be beneficial before going out and shooting.
  12. Nice, Thanks for all the suggestions. I looked it up on google, and really the only one i seen that had a website and was close was the powder room. I will have to look some of these other ones up.
  13. hmm, this one sounds familiar. pretty close to what i go through anyway. damn crazies.
  14. jessecwalters


    Just wondering if there are any shooting ranges around columbus. Grovecity more accurately. I would be interested in taking a "new shooter" class depending on price and time. But anything to point me in the correct direction is gewd. Thanks.
  15. Found two I thought were neat. could actually have use for this: http://www.instructables.com/id/Altoids-Tin-18-Stereo-Mixer/step13/Done-Testing-and-Troubleshooting/ This is more for looks: http://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Cube-4x4x4/step11/Go-large-8x8x8/
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