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Everything posted by jessecwalters

  1. I work at a grocery store, found this on one of the shelves. So many fails. Lets see how many you can find (how do you get it show it just shows up instead of a thumbnail?)
  2. any color for now is fine with me. Ive only been on here like 2 years and havent been able to get a sticker yet. edit: or maybe only over a year, i couldnt remember
  3. ^^ it musta been those titanium balls
  4. haha i havent a clue. I wish i could do that though. sitting in traffic FTL!
  5. wow. i dont know how the hell he made it through there.
  6. youll have to give us a reveiw, I might be nterested in some.
  7. ^^^ at 5:40 ish of the second video. haha perfect sound effect for that part.
  8. ^^ Im quite disturbed you had that pic.....(the one of the kids in bed.)
  9. whered you find that?? I was wondering where I dropped that.
  10. oh, will there be OR stickers at this perhaps?? cuz thatd be grrrrrreat
  11. haha, well gl getting rid of them, they wouldnt look very good on my kat so, no apehangers for me.
  12. if someone on OR does take them, Im sure they'll be found and ratted out eventually.
  13. I might be in. Im off work that night, so it depends if the wife wants to go, or if someone close by is going I can follow. We'll see I spose.
  14. hahah oops. my *wife*. I tell ya, these damn gateway laptop keyboards , typos everywhere. that, and lack of sheep, i mean sleep, doesnt help.
  15. I suck at halo. Therefore halo is for homo's. PS3 is where its at btw
  16. why is she wearing your helmet??
  17. haha +1, especially if theyre funny videos.
  18. huh, i never noticed the store option before. But since it doesnt work, i guess it doesnt matter.
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