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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. I'll definitely look into armored pants. And, i'll definitely have a better jacket as well. Your right, that's what exactly what people do. Put their hands on. Trust me...i will have correct gear next time out, or i won't go. +1 to you guys. I thought they were going to be hamburger when i came up. In terms of how bad the crash could have went, i got extremely lucky. When i went down, i heard popping and snapping (probably the bike) and was worried about a car coming. I thought i was going to have a few broken bones for sure. Walking is extremely painful, but i'm good for the most part.
  2. lol. No problem. I understand it's all in good fun. As well, as the bike. Everyone kept asking if it was a 250, or 500. I like the streetfighter look, was actually thinking about that...when i got the bike. I appreciate the help. You guys called it. Thanks man. What's funny about this is, we're talking about you going down. And i told you...i didn't know what it's like, but i understand. Now it's ALL different! I was telling Buildit, with 5 bikes...you would think i would have dumped the 1st one. I learned alot on the ride, and still have lots more to go. I'm glad i got to talk to you man, good meeting you too. If there was ever a time for someone to go down, i'm just glad it was with you guys. This is a special website, and everyone seems to have a strong concern for their fellow riders. Will do man, thanks again. And yes...superman isn't so bad haha. Still don't understand...the smoking, taking pictures, dead camera guy. +1. Works for me. Thanks man, i appreciate it. Will i be red riding hood, or superman? I am so damn sore today. Back is tight and stiff. And my knee looks just awesome, and feels even better. I'm just thankful, it wasn't any worse. Again, had alot of fun...despite everything. Good meeting all of you guys!
  3. Like you, and alot of others said. The tires, front and rear were extremely under-inflated. Was causing the back tire to wobble in the turns. I made some bad decisions on this ride, like not checking anything before i left. And paid for it. Let it be a lesson learned. Check your shit, especially your tires. Don't be like me. Yeah....remember the squid. Nightrider. That's me. Took the hill on 78, thought it would stay straight, then it sloped down to a sharp right. Guard rail and the other lane was coming up quick, knew if i didn't try and move the bike to the right, i was going to nail the guard rail. Just locked up the back tires...and went into a slide. I'm good. Knee is trashed. Looks great. Really about it, except for my elbow...and some scratches. Buildit, man....can't say enough of how much an awesome guy you are. Helped me, and did absolutely everything you could to make sure i was ok, the bike was at least rideable (with gas in it ). You stayed with me, what seemed like forever when the bike ran out of gas...until my dad came along. Again, thanks a ton. I know all the guys were more than willing to help out, but without your help...god knows where i would have ended up. I'd buy you a beer, but we know why you don't drink, so...i'll have to buy you a tank of gas, or...a pack of smokes. I think we can all agree that i got pretty lucky. No gloves, jacket unzipped...and just minor injuries. I wear steel toe boots, because...their better than tennis shoes...and any non steel toe footwear...i'm sure i would have messed my feet up. I thought i was going to eat the guardrail, or get hit by a car as i was rolling. Fun, fun. You've got more pics of the bike. As you can see, it's trashed...and will need extensive work. Still trying to decide what i want to do. More than like just sell it or, part it out. To all the guys on the trip. 1st off, i would like to say i know how fucking retarted and squidly i was. I was looking forward to riding with you guys, i rushed myself (in the morning) to clean the bike (which was still horribly filthy)and didn't check anything....tires, chain...bolts, etc before i took off. Tires and being new to the bike...got the best of me. No excuses, i've definitely learned...what NOT to do, as well more of what i NEED to do. I am extremely embarrassed...and ashamed of myself, for not zipping up the jacket...riding without gloves....and ignorance. All i can say is, if i happen to go on any further rides...i will make sure i have EVERYTHING in order. Bike or not, i don't feel like trying to invite myself on any future rides anytime soon. I know if i were you guys, i definitely would not want to see me try and ruin another ride. 2nd- Gotta give it up to Buildit, and Hoblick. Hob for getting the idea to ride the area, and Buildit for taking us through some amazing scenery and great roads. As well as tons of help. I enjoyed talking to everyone that i did, and had a blast runinng and riding wih you guys until the crash. 3rd- I'm not a guy to take shit up and the ass, and ask for more. But...OR has been more than great to me. I know i was wrong in pretty much everything i did today. So...any negative comments are competely warranted and encouraged. Thanks to all who to came out! Thanks to Buildit aka Luke!
  4. Wha...? I have no idea wtf your talking about. jk. Yeah, i know where it is. Not too many Carrol, or Lancaster riders here...so it will probably be easy to miss for everyone else, but me. I can ride lead once on 33, or whatever...so we don't miss it.
  5. When i saw the commercials, i thought it looked pretty good. But...once i actually sat down to watch an episode...i quickly...felt like those "others" you speak of. Too much talking, boring...to be honest. The episode i caught, dealt with more talking...than anything mc related.
  6. Didn't hear anything else from you man. Sorry lol.
  7. Dude...your still up? lol. I just want to make sure, we'll be hitting 33 through Lancaster, and then on to 664, etc? If that's the case. There's a speedway that will be on the left side of the road, as we're coming in towards Lancaster. Can't miss it.
  8. From what i got. 4Daivi Rick Mr A Snoman Dennis? Buildt? Ron Burgandy Johhny Rock Page-Whodey Hoblick Myself.
  9. Haha. Sounds good, i checked your profile to see what your bike looked like. I'll be on a red Ninja.
  10. lol. Sounds good mang. Looking forward to meeting you guys.
  11. Wha? No you don't lol. Just tell her to hold on as tight as f'n possible. She falls off...not your problem. She didn't want it bad enough. Jk. Can your wife...you know..flash some...t...to let us know it's you guys? Again jk. Hopefully you'll be the only bike there that early.
  12. Just messing man, people do it all the time. Ahh ok, cool man. I hope everything works out, by all intents and purposes we should roll up to it. Although, we won't be leaving IP until 9:30. Did you want to get there, at 9:45 or 10? Speedway that is.
  13. IT'S NIGHTRIDER!!! Fack! I won't ride with you...until you get it right. Yeah. I'm still not sure if we're heading through Lancaster or not. I would ASSume we are. But.... i can call you for sure and let you know. I'm sure people wouldn't mind stopping to wait for someone.
  14. If this is the speedway, Rick and i are thinking of. This has to be it. Store #9226 6005 Winchester Rd Carroll, OH 43112-9556 7407564086
  15. 22? The speedway Rick is talking about is on 33.
  16. I thought you were going to bed man? lol. I'll be heading there soon.

  17. I'm trying to think. The one before Hamilton road right? That wouldn't be a problem with me. The more the merrier. You could meet Rick at the speedway too.
  18. Or tried it? Thanks for the rep buddy.
  19. HAHA. You could wait till fall...no pun intended...and run back down, and cover her up with leaves. That...sounded sick..and like i planned that before.
  20. No problem. You can't really camp in Rising Park though. Definitely hike though. Make sure...if you climb the mountain, if your gf's being a b.... to mention how far of a drop down it is. Should clear that issue up pretty quick haha.
  21. Sometimes lol. We either have Hd guys, going through there red line revving. Or sportbike squids doing the same. I didn't know that Jags. How long were you forced to stay in Lancaster?
  22. I don't see why you couldn't. If you do, i would take some sort of pooper scooper though, i'm sure...someone would pitch a bitch...if you didn't clean up after them. As far as the cabins and what not down there, you would have to call them. Rising park in lancaster is pretty cool Brian. You can climb the mountain, and there's trails up through there. There's a gazebo. Tennis court. Places to sit, and have a cookout. Pics. These are just some quick pics i found.
  23. Yeah. Maybe, i'm confused. I thought you were heading to old man's cave? Could do that too. I don't mind! It's not in a cage lol.
  24. Whatever works for you. I'm down for anything, and more than likely make it out to this. Anybody know what the weather is supposed to be like tomorrow?
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