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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. That's iffy man. I watched the 1st one, it wasn't bad. The camaro's, old and new in it were great. This isn't a movie...i'm so excited about that i'm gonna go out and watch it. I'll wait for dvd.
  2. I'm bored, and i like movies...so i started thinking about ones that i would like to see, that are coming out soon. Here are mine, with trailers. Please share yours...if i haven't listed all of them already lol. Year One: Jack Black, Michael Cera. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-J0aFMbHJo One all guys here are probably looking forward too. (Terminator Salvation). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puAxrOTqtr4 Star Trek: Never been a ST, or SW's fan...but this looks pretty sweet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4XXydDEkG0 The Hangover: Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JO_zk5O36A&feature=related I Love You Beth Cooper: Hayden Panettiere. Could be funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSFVpLEautY Another kick ass dude flick: X-men Origins: Wolverine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvWABCrH3b8 Night At The Museum 2. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p1cab-tF24 Land Of The Lost: Will Ferrell, Danny Mcbride (aka, kenny powers) Big fan of Will's, but this could be iffy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07tUuSb0-S8 Public Enemies: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale. Could be awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWof6CovHxI Orphan: Hopefully it's got a good plot to it. Peter Sarsgaard, Vera Farmiga. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8OjaV3gyOI Funny People: Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24VVnvrjI8w That's it. I promise...for now. If you looked at this, share your upcoming movies...if i didn't mention them. Thanks for wasting your time with me lol.
  3. No problem. Ahh, i see. Sounds good man, definitely keep me posted. I'll talk to you later.

  4. Why are they telling you to tone it down? I think the skull on your bike looks great. Haha, i've looked at your website...and just from your bike, i think you can handle it.

    Flames like this would be pretty sweet. front-fender-freehand-flame.jpg

    This skull looks awesome, i'm sure you could improve on it. Airbrush_Green-Skulls-5.jpg

  5. Hey, you put on it whatever you like man. It will be your bike. I'm sure you will find a way to make it look kickass. I would just leave out the girl...maybe lol. But then i guess, that doesn't make it underworld? I'm a fan of skulls, flames, tribal, i know it sounds cliche...but it's cliche because that stuff looks awesome. I think if you made another skull variation like the one you have now...it would look sick. Just my 2 cents.

  6. That's not too bad. Sounds like it could be a real nice bike when it's finished. What color is it now?

  7. Dude, i love your sig. All the hot rod's, with a modern motorcycle in between lol.
  8. Err...be careful with plastics man. They can get real expensive. That sounds cool though man, hopefully everything works out for you. It's definitely sweet to have a new ride. Especially a new bike. How much does the guy want for it?

  9. Ahh ok, yeah...that makes sense. I'm not looking for a 15k or 20k loan, just something i could use to get a descent bike. 4 or 5k, nothing crazy. Thanks
  10. Not to sound like an over excited school girl...but really? Why not? I know they don't operate like banks, but handing out loans to anyone who's in..? Can anyone give me an idea of how the the loan process would go? Is it 100% approval? No credit checks, age...doesn't matter? I appreciate all the info. Thank you.
  11. Thanks for the reply Recon. I was just curious and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask some info on them. I could probably join through my father, as he works for social security...maybe? Wouldn't feel like bothering him with it though. Not to mention, with no verifiable employment...it's pretty much a dead issue anyway. Thanks again.
  12. Has anyone from here went through a Ohio credit union for a loan? I've seen their ads on tv, they are supposed to have the lowest rates because they a non profit organization? Can anyone give me the lowdown on them? What's the chance of getting approved for a loan of 4k...from them? I'm sure they require an entire life history of employment, and current employment...correct? That's nothing new...but just wondering. Anybody with info or suggestions, much appreciated,
  13. NightRider

    Ride today

    :lol:Nice. I don't know your relationship status...but what are you gonna do if you get some hot chick who wants to "party?" Maybe...for a few hours, all night long lol...i think your old man body will go out before she does. From the sound of it you would end up tearing something bumping uglies man. Sex injuries...may sound like a fun way to get hurt...but they end up getting alot more painful than you think haha.
  14. "I've sucked you off too much already" .............................................................................................
  15. NightRider

    Ride today

    Haha, no offense man...but you sound like your 70. Are you working on a hip replacement next? Were you playing in something like a gym, or in a house?
  16. NightRider

    Ride today

    Indoor soccer...how did you manage that one? lol.
  17. Wow. People will come up with anything. I mean...artistically it's a cool design, but i think they look stupid. If they were 10$ i definitely wouldn't buy them...wtf am i gonna pay 2500$? Also...this is exactly what America needs right now lol.
  18. NightRider

    Ride today

    I know you were kidding, i still think you like them butt exams too much though. Good to hear your ok, but what happened to you knee?
  19. Hmm, not sure...but i can def ride your bike for you, in your downtime...
  20. NightRider

    Ride today

    Nothing to laugh at if it's serious, you alright man?
  21. NightRider

    Ride today

    I think you like those rectal exams too much.
  22. Black for sure. Great looking bike btw
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