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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. NightRider


    The only white i wear are t-shirts, and it's gotta be a certain way. It cant be plain white, unless it's an under shirt. For example...on certain things, i find white...feminine, i wouldn't ever own a white car. Maybe...a white motorcycle, but it would have to have other colors with it. I prefer white shirts like this.
  2. I got neg rep because i mentioned that i thought the woman to the left was hot. Just sign it next time....
  3. Some people just aren't serious about selling their shit. You need to think up a well thought description, in a language someone can actually understand. Get some nice pics, hopefully after you've cleaned...whatever it may be...and leave a damn number. That shit's petty to me...when i'm looking for something to buy, if it doesn't have a number i usually skip over it. LOL, i gotta write up and email, send it to you...then wait...what will seem like forever for you to respond to me? No thanks...
  4. NightRider


    It's ditto brother...for a minute i thought you typed dildo.
  5. I can't tell what it says.
  6. Thought this was funny, got it off nick's site there. http://www.bikernet.com/laughrm/morecash.asp
  7. I'm not a big fan of HD, except for the vrods, so say what you want about them....but that's pretty cool. He was also a senator no less. Hot biker chick to the left btw. <<
  8. Dude, i'm in the same boat, so don't feel bad.
  9. Just looking through craigslist and saw this, thought someone might be interested. Maybe a good starter bike. Looks descent, no phone number though. If anyone wants to go take a look at, let me know...i'll go. Here it is. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1167921645.html
  10. NightRider


    Ehh, white and gray? I need it in black...i'd get so much shit on the white one.
  11. Those both look rather painful lol.
  12. NightRider


    44$ for a hoody?
  13. They were surprisingly comfy to use on the road. I don't doubt that, i just personally don't like the look. They just look weird to me. I'm very picky about bars on a bike lol.
  14. The older Yamaha's aren't bad bikes. I just don't like the handle bars on them. They go almost in a circle, if that makes sense. I would have to get different bars, i like mine more straight.
  15. Congrats on having a kickass dad to share your passion with. I agree, not bad at all. He probably has the same mentality i do, if im gonna die...i want it to be on something i'm riding! J/k, but that's awesome!
  16. Is that what that huge pic is that seemed to stretch for miles in the desert?
  17. Ahh cool. Yeah, getting a bike and having some money left over is always a plus. I'm sure you'll figure something out and it will look great. Good luck man, let me know how it goes.

  18. Hey. Wow, really? That's pretty cool man. How much are you trying to get out of it? If you get a new bike, do you have any paint schemes in mind for it?

  19. Get with the program lady!!! J/k
  20. Is the bike still running though? If so, at least it's something man. Sorry to hear your having such bad luck.
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