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Status Updates posted by NightRider

  1. Yeah. I tried to message you before you logged out. A 84 Honda Sabre 700. Next time you head down this way, i'll show it to you.

  2. I'm sure you will eventually sell it man. No worries. Really? That's kinda cool. What kind of harley was it?

  3. I thought girls liked long rides? :p I can imagine that long of a ride was a little crazy. Had you rode a sportbike prior to the Vstar? lol. 39 hp...wow...that just tops the 76 kz-400 i had. A whole 33. Top speed of 70! I like them both...but they have to stand out a little.

  4. Haha. I meant mid July. Soon though. Hopefully.

  5. If you want that table, it wouldn't be a problem. Let me know.

  6. Hey. I know Jp is like your bff man, but i think your like 20-30 min from me probably right off 33. We should get a ride going or something soon. I'd like to see that Fizzer...been looking at them myself.

  7. Thanks man. I appreciate it. I'll be back out sooner or later. It was nothing bad...so i'm not mentally scarred or anything...like some riders get.

  8. I checked it out man. Looks awesome, and can't wait to see it when it's done. You'll have to take alot of pics, and get a video of it running. :D

  9. No worries man. Just curious. Sorry to hear you couldn't make it out. Yes i did. Rode up with Max Power, and Blake1221. Had fun, but the ride home in the wind was HORRIBLE.

  10. No. lol. Just recognized you and your husband. I was around when you were looking at cheech's bike. Amazingly, no pics...for some reason. I thought for sure i'd be in some. That's not a bad thing though. I had the 82 Sabre there. Very true, but can't wait for something newer.

  11. Oh really? I'm probably not even 10 min away from the mall in Lancaster. I was thinking about it, but probably not. I may be doing something sunday, and need to save my gas money. lol. Lame i know!

  12. Where in Lancaster do you live man?

  13. lol. I want too trust me. I just don't want to reprise my role as the crashing retard! I think Todd secretly wants me to go, to see it again. :lol:

  14. Happy b-day big mang!

  15. lol. No worries man. I'm not on here much anymore either. Anyway, hope it was a good one.:D

  16. lol. I will have to consider it. I think if Ananda showed up, that would be price of admission. :lol:

  17. Shit. My bad bud. I've never looked into those, and just knew you wanted one. I would love to find an FI bike too. Don't be like me lol. Be patient, and i'm sure you will.

  18. Is that right? I live at the corner of King and Maple. What's your name?

  19. Hey bud, how you doing. Good?

  20. 1st time i saw it, couldn't stop laughing. Glad you like it!

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