The store isn't open yet but hopes to be opening sometime this week (Wednesday or later). The range will most likely open within a week after the store. They are having HVAC equipment issues that are delaying things. I shot there today (CCW class) and I had hours to browse the store and complex. It will be a nice place once finished. Just a heads up on the store; they have tons of 9mm and 38s ammo but no 22LR. There will be a purchase limit. Prices on anything at this point are unknown/unset. From what I was told and overheard, they have 15 S&W Shields all in 40 caliber, some Springfield XDS 45acp, 5 S&W MP-15-22s but with the large mag restricted down to 10 rounds (removable with modification). Pretty sure they have SW MP15 as well. They still have a lot of merchandise to unbox but they have a huge wall dedicated to Desantis holsters. Owners seem like great people. Ranges prices posted on the website look reasonable. It will be nice to have a new option in town, and closer for me!