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Everything posted by joshc469

  1. I will be there for sure on the white drz again! I had a blast last year. I might show up early and try to clean up the dirt section a little bit. I know steve or don won't but it cleaned up alright last year. I'll see you there!
  2. I love my 400sm. I never thought something so fun could be legal, not to mention the 3x3,pipe and jet kit help make it come to life. Dead reliable and low maintenance. Circleville tracks days are the best to!
  3. wow the sumo looks good. I'm saving to try and convert my 450r for some sumo action. The drz is fun but it no 450.
  4. is it a practice day or race day the 19th?
  5. I made some yuengling clone last winter and came out really well. Are you using the 2 stage fermenting process or single? you might want to remind people only pry top bottles if your using the caper I'm thinking of.
  6. i'm pumped, I bet we can get the dirt section dry by the afternoon. it is mostly sand and with some wind we will be useing the track to its fullest extent. i'll be there around 11 shovel in hand!!
  7. I'll be there Saturday and maybe Sunday if I don't crash
  8. i'll be there, we need a good turn out there! I'm hoping for great weather.
  9. it too bad that ken can't be on america's got talent! he would win for sure
  10. I bought my drz for reliability and low maintenance. I have a mrd exhaust ,lightened flywheel,and jd jet kit and i'm happy where its at now......for a work\play bike. you guys should come down to circleville fathers day weekend, there should be a pretty good turnout. we could really see if your wr will wax my drz:D
  11. I love the bikes. I'm looking into a crf450 myself. i love the drz but a crf would be a fun weekend bike\track whore. motards are so much fun it almost feels illegal:)!
  12. nice bikes, how hard was it to get them plated?
  13. Here are some pics of my new led taillight. Its just a temp setup right now but i'm going to make a bracket to lower it some more. tell me what ya think! http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/joshc_469/FILE0032.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/joshc_469/FILE0031-1.jpg http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/joshc_469/FILE0030-1.jpg
  14. wow that's aprilia vtwin power for ya
  15. I don't think you will see him down there much this year as the ama supermoto series kicked off and all the events are on the west coast. sucks for us but there is always the off season!!
  16. thanks for the write up. I have not done this yet but i'm starting to get the idea. I have seen a oil filter cover like mine wired with all three nuts tied into each other but I can't remember how it was done exactly. any ideas? http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/joshc_469/FILE0018.jpg
  17. i went down trying to keep up with the nsr guys"aka fireman":D on the last turn before the finish. I rolled into the gas a little to fast and lost the rear wheel out from under me. stupid mistake but i'd rather it happen on the track.
  18. i'm game, I would love a session with more than 3 people there. i'll try not to go down this time!!
  19. 08drz400 supermotard mrd exhaust,airbox mod,lightened flywheel,uni filter,jd jet kit stock is 30hp 38hp 27tq
  20. ok here is another link http://s278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/joshc_469/?action=view&current=crpcrash.flv
  21. damn myspace video, that clip sould be 32 sec long. I just fixed my shift lever so i will def. be out again. I had a great time
  22. i know your just playin, its fixed now. and now you can see me biff it!! my ass still hurts:eek:
  23. oops guess i added the same one three times, i'll fix it. yea i warned you about the camera guy, its the best i could do.
  24. here is some video of Thursdays track day. some nsr's,my drz ! not the best camera guy so a little shaky http://s278.photobucket.com/albums/kk112/joshc_469/?action=view&current=crpcrash.flv http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=55149081 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=55149355
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