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Posts posted by knicks360

  1. +1 on that was riding behind him you for alittle bit and loved when he would flash em so i knew to gear down on a corner :D

    And my buddy with the 600rr wanted to make sure I give you a big thanks giving him some pointers REALLY REALLY says alot about a person that will take his time to give someone pointers he never met before for his safety and the safety of others !!!!!

    i try to keep the persons pace that im leading. im a constent mirror checker. i point out stuff and im a flash (brake light) when i know a difficult or gotcha corner or section is coming up. so if u come down on one of these rides just follow me
  2. Yeah easy for you to say when we were taking corners at 25/35mph.:cool:

    But he's my boy blue and his mom would kick my ass if he had a scratch on him..lol

    He was doing well for the first time on the twisties, he was learning and thats all that matters. He will get better just give him time
  3. Na he's not on the site..

    That was my buddy that i had to baby sitt but was his first time on the twisties so i told him to keep his chin up and just ride his ride. must give a BIG THANKS to all for waiting up for us !!!!

    glad he's ok.

    is the guy with the 09 green/black RR on the site?!

  4. E-rock wit that porn star hair you aint fighten any fires of any kind you seen what happen to michael jackson.....not pretty :D

    nice meeting you too man

    and justin ill have you know that when im not busy tearin up country roads

    im out fighting the fires of evil...with my boots!

  5. OK let me start by saying it didnt even cross my mind to take pics till I knew he was ok.. with that said this dude was blessed dont think he had a scratch on em.. :eek: and the bike looked pretty good also.











    Someone get this guy a medic...wait that wasnt him on the R6 get up lazy :D

  6. Hang tight friends I will have pics of the bike and guys helping eachother out to get it from the ditch.

    I was way back with my buddy but when we got to the bend it wasnt a pretty site my heart went straight to my stomach but when I seen he was okay i had to break out the camera :D

    h. tapdancing?

    and i have no idea how i missed that when you posted it...

    what indeed happened my ron jeremy'd avatar'd friend?

  7. Amazing time want to say thanks to all ktm for getting us home and for those who helped my buddy out when he was lagging behind was his first time on the twisties.

    will be loading pics shortly.

    I just got home from the ride.... Darn good time with only minor carnage on the first loop. Because of the late start I had to bail part way into the second loop. Thanks to all who put this together... Had a great time.
  8. This will be my first winter with the bike in the dinning room.. I love my girl so much :D

    so we were sitting around drinking tonight and i said i wanted to move out so i could park my bike in the livingroom. i live with my fiance and her sister... no questions please...

    so she requested the percentage of people who actually park their bike in the livingroom in the winter.

    so who keeps their bikes inside when its cold outside?!

  9. Welcome brother..

    not to far away from me im on the west side of cleveland. and for bike rallies just the same old QSL on wed/thrs we tend to show more to the QSL in sheffield on thrs. nice choppers and old ladies with chaps and loose skin... :D

    Hey I'm new to Ohio Riders. I just got back into riding after I sold my bike and grew up. ( I had a kid ). I bought a new R1 in May and I love it. Anyone heard of any bike rallies that would be fun to go to? You know the basic bikes, beer, and more bikes and beer!
  10. Birthday just passed so the lady is getting me my Power commander :D which was going to be the PCIIIusb but now I see they have the PC-V which is much smaller about half the size but dont know if there's any cons to the new PCV ??

    any info would be great going to order today or monday, just going to do alittle more research on the the 5 series PC.

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