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Posts posted by knicks360

  1. lol... well Rev as you can see its such a tight little family we have here and with all the ball busting :sexytime: you took it like a man....so welcome


  2. Im down for a sunday ride just keep me posted...

    Just getting a feeler out there. I'm responsibility free all weekend. Who wants to head south?!!?!

    We don't have to go that far....suggestions welcomed.

  3. To be honest seems like you (inya) and myself are set for the Bp take off point not sure who else is meeting us there for sure :cool: so if its just us then we can leave from there at 10:31 for all I care...then meet DUDE off 77. steve said hes getting his codes checked on the RC51 so not sure if hes coming ??

    and anyword on krazy white guy ??

    I'm gonna go attach my sidecar now so dude can ride shotgun.

    I think leaving at 11 is pushing it...from the BP in Westlake to Fairlawn is 38 miles, and then another 25 miles to Starbucks. I don't want to have to feel rushed to get there. We could do it..but we'd have to do a rolling stop in Fairlawn.

    What do you think? 11? 10:45? Whatever time we choose, we'll be at the Fairlawn exit in 30 minutes, and then another 15 or so to Starbucks. So dude, add 30 minutes to our start time and that's when we'll come put you in the side car.

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