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Posts posted by everoblivion2005

  1. Android compatibility is a problem...

    Because they don't have control over every piece of hardware, application developers have trouble getting their applications to work across platforms. Go look at any number of apps in the "play" store, and you'll see comments "doesn't work with phone X or phone Y, glitchy with phone Z, freezes constantly on phone A and B" Most applications are pretty universal, but there are exceptions to many...


    if you go to the apple store, you'll find MUCH MUCH less of those types of comments, if ti works on iphone 4 it works on iphone 5 and so on.

    Yes that is a benefit of Apple devices is that you don't have to be the slightest bit tech educated to get a decent device that works exactly like your friends iPhone.  Also this is why I said that Samsung, Google and HTC have surpassed the iPhone.  A tech Un-educated person who picks up a crap touch phone that happens to have an Android OS instantly thinks all androids are horrible.  I really hate it when people compare Apple to Android rather than the Manufacturer to the Manufacturer. 

  2. I think I'd pick up a Z4 or MX-5 convertible once I can't ride anymore rather than a trike.  Just watch the Reliant Robin episode of Top Gear (UK) to figure out why Goldwing style trikes are a bad idea.  I think the Can-Ams  are kinda cool, though I would never own one myself.  Can-Am looked at a snowmobile and went..... "What if... it had wheels!!??".  It would be even cooler if there was a pivot point on the frame to the front tires that operated similarly to skateboard wheels, drawing in the inside tire and leaning the frame/seat into the turn.  But people can ride what they want that has no relation to their DBaggyness.  And for some reason I can never get the image of a bunch of Trinity Gang members rolling in on a bunch of can ams, I mean lets be honest, drive by's would be much easier with three wheels.

  3. I kind of understand the line that occurred with the first iPhone because it was brand new and (despite my dislike of apple products) groundbreaking.  The first iPhone set the standard but these other releases are sticking with Apple's up(/staythesame)grade policy and haven't really improved much.  Processor specs, memory, features, screen size, ergonomics, and that overrated retina display haven't changed much over the years.  Now that is seen as a positive to many iPhone users who seem to be a little Neophobic but to me it has caused the iPhone to fall WAY behind the curve compared to Samsung, Google and HTC.

    Basically the Samsung commercial showing the iPhone line and people excited that the Head phone jack was in a different spot was pretty accurate to the people that are probably in line.

  4. My point is this:  The RS is a street platform and the RX will be also.  The point I am making is that the motor they have is a motor that IF you tracked it, you need to refresh often.  Now, taking that idea to a similar Supersport and Superstock motor build that DOES NOT need torn down every weekend, the motors for STREET USE are somewhat sketchy in terms of dependability.  What I am saying is that I think the RX will have a more mild build.  Possibly losing only a bit HP, but components will different and lend to a stronger and more dependable motor.


    As for a team with a Supersport motor being torn down and refreshed every weekend, that's excessive.  If you are referring to Wrobel, he wasn't tearing motors down every weekend.  Reuben built them and they were not needing every weekend refreshes and rebuilds.  Plus, Jeff isn't racing anymore...


    Superbike teams are refreshing often and making sure they are maintained frequently.  Parts have a time limit.  Each part will time out at a set period and needs refreshed.  We at Ducati even have a race booklet that has a time table for EVERY part on the bike.  Down to wheel bearings and bolts.  Race builds time out.  But Superbike (true superbike builds) builds do not last as long as Supersport builds that don't last as long as stock builds.  

    Ah that makes more sense.  Maybe I was hanging out with Jeff during a motor headache period.  He's in TX now and his Girlfriend is one of my Wife's best friends so she keeps trying to get us to move down there.  Maybe the bike will have slightly less HP but I certainly hope not being that the RX will be Heavier than the RS.  If the bike went from 175 to even 165 i think it would have a hard time competing with the Italian Stallions it's priced with, and if I thought of that then i think Erik would too.

  5. That's why I think they will most likely detune the RX motor a bit to provide a longer service interval.

    Now just stay with me here as I am obviously outmatched here in race motor knowledge. But are you saying that the jordan suzuki team and the hayden yamaha team and the other race teames in the same class as Hero/EBR do not tear down their motors after every race weekend? Because I'm pretty good friends with Jeff on the Lasix team in supersport and he tears down his engine after every race weekend.
  6. what I was told by reliable sources is that the motor should be refreshed after every race weekend..

    Well... Yes, i guess I made it sound like that didn't need to happen.  Standard race motor maintenance though just like any other.  Your previous post made it sound however that it needed more maintenance than any other race motor that has just been throttled and abused for two days straight.

  7. Speaking of Rotax...anyone notice the new 2014 Can Am Spyder no longer uses the 990 Rotax Twin that was previously used by Aprilia? It uses a Rotax 1330 Triple that doesn't require any valve adjustments. I wonder if that motor will find it's way onto 2 wheels? Seems ideal for a ST.

    Hell yea! With Ulysses style head lights on a naked/cafe style bike.
  8. The Fact that people enjoyed riding the XB's is a testament to Erik's ingenuity despite Hardly's overbearing and uneducated requirements of him.

    Also as far the prospect of other bikes go (as long as this 1190 line does well) is promising.  Erik has patented a Hybrid Bike that works more like like a proper hybrid (similar to the Chevy Volt) than designs before.  The rev range of the engine in the patent is actually slightly variable to meet the demands of the battery system depending on load.  To increase efficiency the rev range is most likely going to be limited to 4000 rpms but that it a small enough band to tune in ridiculous efficiency numbers but also lower the number of batteries needed to flatten the power.  Awesome design and I hope to see it some day.

    As far as the Rotax motor goes, yes the motor is the Rotax design and parts are sourced (just like practically any engine/car/anything) but then machined, assembled and tested in Troy WI.  As far as the reliability of the RS motor in street clothes running pump 91 I really haven't heard of any reliability issues and after speaking with Geoff at Mid Ohio he stated that the maintenance on the engine is pretty much limited to tuning it into the track needs so to be honest I do not foresee to many changes with the stock engine between the RS and RX.

  9. They had the street version at indy motogp....

    turn signals lightd and all plated for WI

    Right but the $40000 1190RS can be bought with all street req's and that was the bike at Indy.  The RS can come with fiber Glass panels or for extra you can get the carbon edition with all CF body work.  It comes with Ohlins shocks front and rear, magnesium wheels, titanium exhaust, and everything that you would put on an R1 to make it a $40000 bike.

    THIS bike is a brand new one from EBR that has not been shown anywhere and will be outfitted like a normal street bike with nice, but not premium parts, and will be competing in pricing with the R1 and the likes.

  10. Wow, time has been flying by. Maybe a couple more teasers on RX coming soon...

    Anyhow, the race truck is on the way to New Jersey. Last chance this year on the East Coast to see Geoff, Aaaron and the Team Hero and Team AMSOIL/Hero 1190RS bikes in the AMA Superbike action. We have a few more HP, and the advanced electronics with traction control seems to be working, so it should be exciting!

    We really want all our fans in the area to come and support us! New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville NJ. Erik will be there, and some of the Hero partners. So please come, cheer for us, and thank our partners! We couldn't have made it without all of you, so come celebrate on Sat the 14th and Sunday the 15th!

    September 11, 2013, 7:03 pm


    SO at least thats confirmed that it is the upcoming production RX.  Can't wait for the new pics!

  11. Benghazi: yes, the best way to cover it up was to walk into the rose garden and announce it to the press... hell of a cover up!

    NSA: Oh why would they want to keep secrets regarding national security? :eyeroll:

    Fast and furious: protect those who were guilty of what?

    Benghazi: Sept 12th: Loosely referred to as a terrorism, as the word "Terrorism" nor the phrase "ACT of terror" were used in the rhetoric simply a loosely applied phrase of "acts of terror".  From that point on it was refereed to as a Civilian riot gone bad and some stupid you tube video was blamed to instill the idea that nothing could have been done, there was no warning and no possible response team.  When in fact I personally know there were several "things" that could have been "done/deployed".  And even without my military knowledge the fact that several commanding officers have been relieved of duty for speaking out about the attack should be proof enough.  And proof in theory would be the White Houses refusal to Call Major Asshole's "Work Place Violence" an act of terror.

    NSA: .......... Yea cause Clear Violations of the 4th amendment should be kept secret even after a court of experts declares it so and is silenced.

    Fast And Furious: Holder... BS that he didn't hear about it till 2011

  12. Very little of the exodus had anything to do with taxes in Detroit. I was there when it started. It started when Detroit's Mayor went on TV and said  'If the white people don't like me they can move out'.  We were all WTF, ok cya. It was all racial man, the big hit was in the late 70's and early 80's. The black mayor pretty much declared war on white folk. I may get flamed, but that is what happened. You had to be there, it was amazing.

    Yes, that is why i stated "partly".  Thanks for including that part though.


    Those are conspiracies? Benghazi was an act of terror... i haven't heard anyone claiming that Obama conspired to make it happen (though they love to try to blame it on him on Faux Nuz).

    Who is the NSA conspiring with? They are spies, they are spying...on everyone.

    Fast and furious, really? what was the conspiracy? Who was conspiring?



    Then make your fucking point and quit piling on bullshit just to fill space...

    conspiracy [kənˈspɪrəsɪ]

    n pl -cies
    1. a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp with political motivation; plot
    2. the act of making such plans in secret

    Once the Attack on Bengazi occured the White House Conspired to cover it up, once Snowden released the NSA documentation the White House Conspired to hide information and deny FOIA suits for the information, once Fast and Furious went south DC conspired to unlawfully protect those that were guilty.

    • Upvote 1
  13. FISC just renewed the authority of the government to collect this data less than a month ago... I didn't see anywhere that they ruled it unconstitutional...


    FISA Court Renews Unlawful Surveillance Program, DOJ Defends Program: According to the Director of National Intelligence, on July 19, 2013 the Government "filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the Court renewed that authority." In a separate filing, in a July 18 response to a challenge brought by the ACLU, the Department of Justice said that a federal district court in New York could not overturn the order of the FISA court. And in a July 16 letter to Congressman Sensenbrenner the Department asserts that "because the telephony metadata must be available in bulk to allow the NSA to identify records of terrorist communications, there are 'reasonable grounds to believe' that the data is relevant to an authorized investigation. EPIC has recently filed a petition with the US Supreme Court, challenging the lawfulness of the NSA domestic surveillance program. For more information, see EPIC - In re Electronic Privacy Information Center. (Jul. 22, 2013)





    All reports indicate that the court wants to release the information officially rather than in the report Snowden released.

  14. So I don't understand why more people are not scared to hell at what is happening in Detroit and Chicago...

    The same attitude towards policy and law making was used there over the past 50 years as is currently being used in DC.  Liberal politicians claiming to have the public's best interest at heart by giving them handouts and huge pensions and increasing Taxes on the "Wealthy".  So here's what happened, increasing taxes and operation costs on Big Business caused the big three to start opening plants in other states with friendlier taxes, Taxes increased on the "Wealthy" caused them to move to greener pastures (partly the cause of the 1 million+ person population drop over the past 50 yrs).  So what I'm seeing is that when Taxes increase to pay for govt run handout programs, people who have the means to leave do so, leaving those who are now reliant on these programs (and do not have the means to leave) without funding and driving the city into larger and larger deficits (sound familiar?).

    So currently we are loosing immigrant Doctors at an alarming rate (I personally know 2 Indian DO's and 1 German MD who are returning to their birth countries and renouncing citizenship) and soon that is likely to follow suit with more American born doctors leaving for greener pastures.  This is just one area where we are loosing the "Wealthy" people (who are the ones who pay the rest of us) due to persecution from the government.

    Reagan stated that the closest thing to becoming immortal is to create a government social program well that needs to change.  The government is bloated, overbearing, and frequently undermining our constitution.  The Current White House is a sham with so many scandals and conspiracies that the "Evil" GW would have been burned at the stake for them (But not good 'ol Barry).  If they have not already they will soon have lined their pockets enough to weather a complete fiscal collapse of the USA while we are left to flounder.  I dunno I am so fed up with this administration that I can barely watch the news anymore from fear of what they are doing next.

    I think the Chicago and Detroit failures should be seen by everyone as an example of what happens when socialistic govt policies run the govt deficits through the roof because that is NOT the govt's debt.... it's OURS!

    • Upvote 1
  15. FISC is ran buy the 11 judges that make up the court. The Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court (John Roberts) soley appoints them without confirmation or oversight by Congress. All of the current members have been selected by him. So i guess you could say the judges themselves run FISC which were selected by Cheif Justice John Roberts who was appointed by George W. Bush.  



    So there it is back to being Bush's fault. ;)

    Well by that logic the FISC found it unconstitutional but was hushed by the white house and capitol hill cronies... so... now its back to Barry's Fault :D

    • Upvote 1
  16. Cool! I'm about to build one. What kind of $ should I expect to have in it when it's all done?

    All I have so far is the lower and tube.

    Well.... I started this build thinking "I'm gonna save so much money" and to be honest I did vs buying a prefab with all these parts.  I invested about $2900 in this build (including the optic).  You "can" build a 5.56 carbine for under 900, but that is all basic/basic/basic parts with iron sights only.  I went 6.8SPC for the better on target ballistic performance and since i'm currently building a .338 Lapua SASS i didn't need the range of the 5.56. (And I can still get ammo easily).


    nice airsoft gun. 


    ... huh?

  17. Just figured I'd post up my Custom Build.  Built this from the ground up, here's a list of parts:

    Lower: Aero Precision (Stripped Lower)

    Upper: Aero Precision (Stripped Upper)

    Lower/upper Parts Kit: Daniel Defense Mil Spec

    Grip: ERgo

    Buffer Tube: Spikes Tactical Mil Spec

    Stock: Magpul ACS-L Mil Spec

    Bolt Carrier: Fail Zero NiB

    Bolt: LMT Enhanced 6.8SPC

    Barrel: Daniel Defense S2W 16" 6.8SPC

    Device: PRI Quiet Brake

    Rail: Daniel Defense 12" Lite Rail

    Foregrip: Gripod

    Iron Sights: Magpul MBUS II

    Main Sight: Eotech XPS3-0





    Above is the digital target at Vandalia armory (ignore the rouge shot to the left, we'll just say I was "Sighting In"), shooting profile was standing, trigger pattern was 5 shot bursts with less than 1 sec spacing between shots.


    So if anyone is thinking of buying an AR I highly suggest building your own instead.  Its much more satisfying and you know every part if the weapon inside and out.  Also feel free to let me know if you need any advice or help.





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