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Everything posted by 1dtfgsxr

  1. I would love to be able to tell you how fast that is except my speedo isnt registering so i really have no clue. But things are a little fuzzy as you fly by if that helps any.
  2. That was suggested too. I feel like such a newb, can you describe what Im looking for. Is it a modual or something like a little black box or what? First time dealing with aftermarket parts on a bike.
  3. Hahaha, I was just in dc this last weekend. Ive got my pics posted to my facebook. If anyone on here wants to add me. un_focused2@hotmail.com I know what you mean about the bikes out there. It was gorgeous out friday. I saw several busas and many liter bikes. I saw a ferrari thursday night when we first went out. My friend did his re-enlistment at the airforce memorial. It was a blast all the way around.
  4. This is great info guys. Well the problem is, I bought the bike with all of these great parts on the bike from comp acc. I didnt realize the speedo wasnt working until I got on the highway to go home. That was the only issue with the bike though. I looked up on gixxer.com and all the threads I found on the speedo healer suggested the sprocket being loose. Thats why i ask if someone can walk me through that. As for the clutch, thats good news. So typically all I need to replace is the clutch fibers? If so, Hopefully I can preplace that stuff in the next couple weeks. Gixxie, I really appreciate any help you will be able to offer with that. Ill let you know when I get that stuff together. I dont believe its clutch adjustment. I was rounding out 6th and it wouldnt go above 11-12k. Also when I went to dyno the bike at dyno day, they couldnt dyno it because they said the clutch was slipping. Again thanks for all the great help guys. I wont have time to do anything with the bike until after sunday but I will keep yall updated. Thankx again.
  5. Im not gonna lie. Im more excited then a 16 year old boy in a alabama hooker house on twofor tuesday.
  6. Lucky. Im only off friday and saturday this weekend. But I has dates friday night and saturday afternoon.
  7. Brian, My name is Mike. I own the white 2005 Gsxr600 whos clutch was slipping on the dyno day on the 4th. How much would you charge to replace the appropriate parts? Also how much do you charge for tuning?

  8. Yea, its kind of a hassle taking your helmet into resturants and stuff but I dont like dropping cash to replace a stolen or pissed in helmet. Id rather spend it else where. Like a strip club.
  9. This thread makes my head hurt. Who doesnt love tofu?
  10. Yea, it took me a second. I wondered why you were coming over so quick and I realized that chick was not stopping. Then she was throwing dirty looks. Grrr. RIP rider.
  11. Ok, Please forgive any future stupidity in this thread on my part. I have a question for anyone with some Gsxr mech experience. My speedometer and mileage arent registering and I have a sneaking suspicion that its my speedohealer(I think the sprocket maybe) . Its an 05 gsxr 600. Anyone with some experience wanna tell me how to fix this or for a six pack, maybe come out and help me with it. I dont know how simple or hard this is. Just feel better with someone with experience around, maybe I wont screw it up. It will be after this weekend before I can do anything with it. Second question is, I think my clutch is slipping. Its probably a stupid question but How bad is it if I ride on the slipping clutch, and what are the consequences if I do so. Where can I find a clutch kit? I found one complete clutch kit for this bike online and its 320.00. Any other suggestions? Oh, and how hard is a clutch replacement, as I would like to tackle this myself?
  12. Happy birthday man. Hope its a good one.
  13. :eek:AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow. Sad.
  14. Welcome to the site guys. That is pretty hardcore, both of you riding busas.
  15. I currently ride a sport bike(see avatar) cuz i like to go fast, and if I had unlimited funds it would be a turbo campagnia t-rex or turbo busa with NAWS! HAHAHAHAHA! Im such a little kid.
  16. I work as a nurses aid. Talk about your crappy jobs. But the job has its perks as well. Nurses wave their freak flags like there is no tomorrow.
  17. glad to hear they are making things right. Good luck with everything.
  18. I love this helmet man but just cant afford it, so bump.
  19. That thing is definitely the witches tits!
  20. RIP. He shouldnt have been moving that fast on a cruiser either.
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