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Everything posted by 1dtfgsxr

  1. HAHAHA! That truck driver was not having that crap. LOL.
  2. Congrats on the homecoming. Glad to hear he made it home ok.
  3. Welcome mang. Im from the ditch also. Wanted an r6 as well but ended up finding an amazing deal on a gsxr. Check craigslist. I find alot of decent prices on there.
  4. That looks like it sucked donkey balls.
  5. Welcome. Meeting at marathon on 35 across from hidy honda.
  6. Thats not nice. You cant give us a taste and not the whole dessert.
  7. Welcome man. Any thoughts on a bike yet? Or did I miss that one already?
  8. Welcome. Thats a long ride to work. What kind of upgrade are you looking for?
  9. 1dtfgsxr


    From myspace to myplace? hehehe. www.myspace.com/nothing4me But I rarely get on there. Girls on face book are much easier.
  10. Thats right. There is a reason Cash sang about the burning ring of fire. He ate some of those peppers previously.
  11. I delivered pizza for 3 years. I cut holes in alot of pizza boxes and got a lot of really great non monetary tips.
  12. Glad to hear all is well and everyone made it home safe.
  13. i definitely had some teachers come straight out of college that I wanted to do dirty things too. I got caught staring once or twice. LOL
  14. Wow! I love the black and white paint job. Way to save a bike.
  15. Yea, this weather blows. i mean at least its not snowing but cmon. 15 degrees wed night is a bit stupid.
  16. Yea, when it comes down to it, your riding it and not any one else. Get what you want, and never settle. Just learn your machine.
  17. Im down. Im curious to see what kind of hp my new toy makes.
  18. hey guys is there a certain number of reserved spots or can I get in on this too? If so count me in. If not Ill still probably ride up with CBRZach just for sh**s and giggles.
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