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Everything posted by blacktalon606

  1. It's the same as driving a car without a license. They COULD throw you in jail for a few months... but as jails are over crowded they will just fine the shit out of you instead.
  2. Our deficit is only ten of those big piles now. lol. I remember liberals bitching when bush landed on an Aircraft Carrier because of the "deficit"... but the first thing Obama told the world was that we couldn't worry about the deficit right now. It's only money though right? I don't need to keep it... just because I MADE IT WITH MY OWN BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS doesn't mean I know how to spend it.
  3. Photoshopping a legal document and presenting it in a court case would be an awesome way to get a felony charge and a prison term out of a non-jailable misdomeanor. lol. I would love to see someone try that...
  4. Lol. Obviously people who write laws don't know anything about anything they right laws about. lol. Congress is taking over the banks, but the extent of their economic knowledge is that they have a lot of money in those banks. These people are less qualified to be making banking decisions than your average front line teller, but god damn it, they were elected and now they have the power!
  5. What's your license worth to ya? A lawyer worth having is probably going to cost in the area of $1500. Your chances of "getting off" on the facts are 0%. Your chances of getting the case thrown out because the cop doesn't show, or keeping your license after a fine, or some other commuted sentence may be 35-40% if you get a lawyer and fight it. If you show that you had insurance regularly before that point for several years, and you show that you have insurance now, you may be able to throw yourself on the mercy of the court and get a lesser sentence by pleading guilty but with mitigating circumstances. Your changes of a 90 day suspension if you do nothing is 100%, and yes, this is for your drivers license, not just your bike license. Personally, I would go for the lawyer... because I can't afford to lose my license for 3 months. I would fail out of school, lose my job and be all around fucked... but maybe you have a better situation than I do. One side note on th3e SR22 driving bond... those are actually awesome if you only have liability insurance anyway. Instead of paying a premium for each car you drive like insurance, the 22 is a BOND that is on YOU and covers anything you drive. So if you have 9 cars and 4 bikes it's the same price for liability as if you have one car and one bike. I looked into buying one of these just to save money beacuse I have several cars but I never really dug deep enough into it to get it done.
  6. Yes, it's illegal to have them in both ears. lol. Here is the law copied directly from the Ohio Revised Code. 4511.84 Earphones or earplugs on operator prohibited. (A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing earphones over, or earplugs in, both ears. As used in this section, “earphones” means any headset, radio, tape player, or other similar device that provides the listener with radio programs, music, or other recorded information through a device attached to the head and that covers all or a portion of both ears. “Earphones” does not include speakers or other listening devices that are built into protective headgear. (B) This section does not apply to: (1) Any person wearing a hearing aid; (2) Law enforcement personnel while on duty; (3) Fire department personnel and emergency medical service personnel while on duty; (4) Any person engaged in the operation of equipment for use in the maintenance or repair of any highway; (5) Any person engaged in the operation of refuse collection equipment. © Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. If, within one year of the offense, the offender previously has been convicted of two or more predicate motor vehicle or traffic offenses, whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.
  7. That's an "out of state inspection" and has nothing to do with what he is talking about.
  8. Who cares if you get to choose your doctor? The part WIKIPEDIA (which is NEVER a valid source for any type of legit research) didn't seem to mention is the waiting lists you are put on for life saving treatment. Wow, I get to pick the doctor i'm going to see... but they tell me I won't be able to get in for my appendectomy for 5 months. So, i'm going to DIE before I get treatment... but I get to pick my doctor. I feel so much better now. You need to hear storeis from CANADIANS, not a BS journal artical written by Americans who have no experience with the canadian health care system. ANY socialized healthcare system depends on people dieing early to meet their budget. Sorry, but that is the truth. So... as long as you intend on having a fatal injury early in life... I'll work out great for ya. Also, If the Canadian health care system is SOOOO awesome.... how come so damn many Canadians come here for treatment? I mean hell... if they stay there it's free right? In this country, if you need a MRI... your doc sends you to get it and you can be back at your docs within the same day with results. But in all of Canada there are fewer MRI machines than in California, and you have to wait your turn. Even if you REALLY REALLY need it NOW, you still have to wait your turn. And say you have an extra $50k laying around, and your life is worth more to you than money... it's also illegal to pay for life saving treatment... bcause that would be skipping line. The Canadian healthcare system works very well if you have the sniffels or any type of general non serious medical issues... but, when Canadians get really sick... they come here. I'm sure there is no reason though right? None of that is to mention the fact that it's not actually as free as they make it out to be. Say you break your arm. Sure, the doctors visit is "free." BUT, you have to pay $150 for the cast. Also, here in the US Americans pay an average of 10% of their income in taxes. Canadians on average pay nearly 40%. For 30% of my yearly income.... I can DAMN WELL pay for any medical problem I may have that year. Hell, if I put that same money into a bank acount for 40 years, I could pay cash for whatever treatment I may need for the cancer I'll probably get whe I'm 65, rather than donating it to the government so they can prop up everyone else. It's a much better system for those who don't have a job than it is for those that work. Just like Obama's re distribution of wealth. That sounds great to you lazy fuckers who want something for nothing. Personally, I work hard, and I'm happy with what I have made on my own. I don't want the government to TAKE half of some rich guys annual income and give me a bite, becasue I DIDN'T EARN IT! Just the same, I don't want the government to take money I earned and give it to some lazy cocksucker who doesn't get off of his ass except to walk to the mailbox to pick up his check. You deserve what you earn and nothing more... but half this country found out they could vote themselves a cookie by just electing the bastard who wants to give them other people's stuff. You want your houses paid for even though you made the decision to buy a house above your means. You want your companies propped up even though those companies business practices have put them in jepordy. You want your health care to be free, but you don't want to pay for it. So, you want the GOVERNMENT to pay for it all... but the part you seem to forget is, the GOVERNMENT doesn't have any of it's own money. Every nickel it spends, it has taken from someone who EARNED it and is giving it to people who did not earn it. Fuck that. Get off your lazy mush braied ass and get a fcking job. Work hard and don't spend money that you don't have. That's the real American dream. It's a place where if you work hard you can succeed no matter what. All you have to do is show up. If your willing to work hard you can LITERALLY be anything you want... all you have to do is put in the hours. But there are so many faggots in this country to whom the idea has been perverted. You seem to think that the new American dream is that you can sit on your fat ass and get everything handed to you. The concept of hard work is dead and THAT is why our country is in the economic position it is right now. This country was built by the hands of MEN who believed in ruggid individualism. You were supposed to come here and take care of yourself... not lean on your neighbor and let him take care of both of you. So take care of yourself you pathetic piss ant. Quit waiting on someone to make your dreams come true, and make it happen yourself! Hahaha.... guess I wan't COMPLETLY done throwing facts at the brick wall with an opinion... but I realize that none of those facts will change the way you feel.
  9. Ok, I'm done throwing facts at a brick wall with an opinion. You don't have thoughts... you have feelings, and you can't have an argument once you stoop to that level. You can argue facts, but I can't argue with you, because you don't use facts. You FEEL that things are going well, so you don't stop to look at whether or not the facts agree. You tell me I need citations, yet you spew citationless bullshit back? Whatever dude. Enjoy your liberal ignorant bliss and don't be bothered by facts. I can understand the appeal of living in a dream world... I just never could unplug myself from reality enough to get there. Send me a post card from time to time. It is occasionally interesting to take a small view into the belief system of the ignorant masses.
  10. The government taking control of the banking system, was not a necessity. The free market system can, and has always taken care of its self and it would again if it were allowed to. You might take note to all the banks trying to GIVE BACK the money now that they have actually realized what this government oversight is going to mean. What good has it actually done so far? $218 million in bonuses to the big wigs sure has helped line the pockets of those who have caused the problem… but has it really HELPED the situation? GM... has been given more money at this point than their current value as a company, and in the future will be forced by people who don’t know shit about cars, to build cars no one wants, while continuing to be locked in bed with the Unions who give them no choice but to pay $71 an hour for workers that don’t actually work half the day. That sounds like an excellent plan to me. Don’t allow them to “fail” so they can restructure and get rid of the unions that are fucking them over as a company. You need to prop them up so that they can continue the failed business practices that put them in this situation. Dude, you must be an economist. How many choices to Canadians have in their healthcare? They have one within the boarders of Canada. Maybe you should do some homework. Right now people have choices in their healthcare. Just wait till they "fix" it and they are the only game in town. Which part has been transparent exactly? Which part has been bipartisan exactly? I realize they have told us they have been... but when you read about what they are actually DOING... it's just not the case. And, it's called the "Fairness Doctorin". Look it up.
  11. Lol. Guess either you haven't been listening to much he has said, your head is just abnormally thick, or you don't konw the definition of socialism. Pretty much every policy he has pushed thus far is socialistic in nature. -Gov controls the banks -Gov controls the car companies -Gov controls health care -Gov controls free speech -Etc
  12. Oh yeah... a battle of the wits against an unarmed person is never a good thing. lol. Remember, these people fell in love with the phrase "We want change"... but never stopped to ask if the change would be positive or negative. Like it can only go one way. lol. Don't insult retarded individuals by calling Obamans retards.
  13. So uh uh uh ho ho ho ho on on on on no no but but but well well remember welll what i'm well here's what i'm suggesting I passed some of tha tha tha death which which which next question. Did he think that was a sentence?
  14. If you don't see a difference in ME (some random person on the internet) and Obama (President of the United States... on live TV) making comments about retarded people, then your obviously a candidate for those special olympics he mentioned. Do you bowl, run, play vollyball or what? I'll forward some of you applications.
  15. So... Obama makes a joke about practicing bowling and getting up to a 129!!! Then he says his game was like the "Special Olympics." Ya know... I see his knowledge of the Special Olympics as about on par with his knowledge of International Affairs, How to run a nation, How to fight a war, How the economy works etc. He makes it sound like he must be retarded to bowl so shitty... but in actuality, he is just himself. IF he WERE in the Special Olympics... he would need to be bowling a 290! They may not be able to keep drool off their chin, but they can knock the fuck out of some pins!
  16. PC first... K&N later. The PC alone will net you more HP under all conditions than the K&N under optimal conditions. The K&N without the PC won't do shit. Your wasting your time to do it any other way.
  17. I think in this clip she is trying to tell the world she loves taco without enraging the parents of her young fan base.
  18. Bump for ammo sales... could be the best investment you can make one day.
  19. I want a red one with ABS but yeah... that's pretty sick looking.
  20. That's pretty GAY dude. lol.
  21. I just spit beer on the screen you fucking fuck. Don't say fucking funny shit like that without a fucking warning.
  22. Silly faggot... dicks are for chicks.
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