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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I chose "other" I dunno what an FZ6 is really.
  2. have an 08 FZ6 and love it...looks good...comfy seat and plenty fast.
  3. you said fagot. not me. lol.
  4. dayum...she shouldnt be allowed to drive..period.
  5. Dave

    Assfault Junkies

    def more drama here that any other forum I've been on... Brandon did publicly apologize within that thread....several times..I dont see how ppl are missing that.
  6. I do and did and always will... I see nothing wrong with it.
  7. oops, guess Im lame. I got no reason to hide...I use my name.
  8. Dave

    Tuesday 3-17

    where you gonna ride? EDIT: I see your from Dayton...you probably dont mean the bar louie in Northern kentucky then I guess.
  9. here we go with the eggs again...
  10. Dave

    junkies shit

    sure...heres a summary... schmuckers made a post here about buying a Junkies shirt and then burning it.. Gixxie750 made a thread on his forum, assfault-junkies.. about being pissed off that someone would disrespect him in that way, and said he wanted to egg his house... he said F-U to schmuckers and his family, to which schmuckers took as a direct threat of violence towards him and his family and then Casper made this thread which is a response to the one Gixxie made at Assfault-junkies... and then this thread and its many pages of immature banter are the result. Gixxie has apologized for what he said...he was drunk when he posted it.. many ppl have seemingly ignored his apologies and continued to egg on the subject... which is why this thread got so big... e-mud was slung... an e-egg was thrown... e-feelings were hurt... and too many people totally missed the "e" part and are taking everything literally and completely out of context, and thinking this is real life. So, overall...a lame ass thread that should have never been made IMO.
  11. Dave

    junkies shit

    I suggest we all log off and go ride... that what brings us together right? If it just wont die... gixxie throws an egg at schmukers...and shmuckers can burn gixxie's shirt... but it'd be more fun to just drop the beef and go ride.
  12. Dave

    junkies shit

    Im just seeing a big 'ole E-Fight over some burned shirts and eggs... I've known brandon for many years...hes not a bad guy.. and he did apologize...several times...within this thread... let it go...
  13. Dave

    junkies shit

    Im still crackin up at the tags this thread has... I personally wouldnt feel threatened by eggs... especially an e-threat about e-eggs...I dunno, do virtual eggs hurt more? dude apologized... hes not a bad guy... let it go ppl...
  14. Dave

    junkies shit

    on the internet an inch = 100 miles
  15. Dave

    junkies shit

    good one. ya got me.
  16. Dave

    junkies shit

    same here...didnt know there were other techniques.
  17. Dave

    junkies shit

    better yet...lets get 20 OR ppl and 20 Junkies all with t's...and all cut their shirts in half and then trade halves with each other...OR to Junkie...
  18. Dave

    junkies shit

    nope...guess not...but when I lived in Georgia...they sure thought I was.. isnt perspective fun?
  19. Dave

    junkies shit

    Cincy...east side of Cincy
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