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Posts posted by SirAlienJ

  1. +1

    Maybe I missed it, but did it say it was on a multiple lane highway? I pictured it as a two lane rural road. Which would make sense if the guy was turning left and they were passing in the left lane. I dunno.
  2. The motor runs at a higher rpm, it's a 750, and creates a buzz(vibration) that translates to me through the pegs and grips. If I'm going fast enough, the mirrors start to shake. I tend not to go that fast.

    Supposedly, new pipes and rejetting will increase hp. Would this increase in hp translate to me running a slightly lower rpm at higher speed or no? Theoretically more hp should mean I don't have to open the throttle as much. But I understand there is theory and reality.

  3. Did you honestly think you would get any favorable opinions on a cruiser from this crowd? If it doesn't require you to sit in the fetal position most of the posters on here ain't happy. :)

    The advice to go sit on some standards is good but she should buy something SHE likes sitting on.

  4. Go to the Iron Pony. Try on a bunch of helmets and find one that fits your melon properly. Honestly, if you can't find a helmet that fits you there such a helmet doesn't exist.

    If you think you can do better pricewise on the internets leave the store armed with size and model number information.

    And what V4Junkie and others have said about the alphabet soup of certifications.

  5. I looked into MMI. Their programs seem like they could be worthwhile but $35k is almost as much as I spent on 4 years of college and my earning potential is much higher.

    If you are eligible for the GI Bill, MMI would be sweet because you wouldn't have to come up with the cash. But for most people, to have to move to Orlando or Phoenix for one to two years, spend $35K + expenses and be eligible for a job paying $10/hr after you finish is hardly worth it.

    You'd be better off talking your way into working at a shop for the same money by offering to sweep floors and change oil and hope that they teach you stuff along the way. Hell, if you are good enough maybe your shop would eventually want to send you off for more training and pay some of the bill.

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