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Posts posted by GrapeApeGuy

  1. orly? How many members on the asshat junkies site?

    See i never got childish and badmouthed the name of your group..... members?

    I dont know exact numbers but at the begining of season party Ill count bikes and attendees and we'll see what numbers we produce.

    The only person not from cinci area I have ever met off here was yotaman?

    and he got knocked around by a bitch for running his mouth too much. I.J.S.

  2. THIS is why people get ran off, or banned!

    Flaming new ppl is what will be the demise of this site.

    The banning or running ppl off for posting opinions is just your Hitler youth mentality for eradicate the nonconformists

  3. it's not an OR vs. AFJ thread. here's why:

    We on OR are more or less just annoyed with one guy. for us, it's OR vs. 1.

    Then, the one guy goes to his forum and whines to all his peeps. So, they get all pissy and all call us mean names behind our backs. Thus, AFJ vs. OR.

    we arent gettin pissy...... Not calling mean names behind your backs.

    I have ALWAYS said you bunch of bitches like to run ppl off. I was on here a while ago and never felt as though I was welcome or able to post things without the fear of being flamed.

    so I left and found better. the AFJ

    Yall should come over and check shit out.... its fun, so NOTHING like this place at all

    • Downvote 1
  4. Wish i had seen this earlier, Jim aka Mojoh is a stand up guy, friend, fellow rider.

    I get being tentative but just calling someone out and calling it a scam! CMON

    Thats why I lunk here and dont post a whole lot to begin with, I have seen a LOT of bashing in the past on stuff not meant to be anything other than trying.

    Dont respond back to this i wont be checking it.

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