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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. you sure do got a perdy mouth
  2. i got some old boots for sale...ignore the holes and shit. you wanna buy dem? steel toe because im a bauce
  3. if you want an older beat up model - why would rattle can matter? winter beaters dont need to be pretty lol....that paint job is pretty ghey though, but nothing a little more rattle can cant fix
  4. he does a little better every year - sadly, by the time the country is ready to actually consider him, he will be too old and dead...then people will look back and realize, "damn, shoulda voted him in when we had the chance"
  5. oh wait..........wrong simmons /facepalm
  6. i cant wait to not see him.... idk why everyone sucks his dick around here, faggots. that dude is old and washed up....society needs to forget about him already
  7. its bad when you post in so many threads you see a thread with a check mark next to the title and think "wtf did i post in that thread?"
  8. i like your style yesterday for lunch i took some potato chips and smashed them between 2 pieces of white bread and had a sammich
  9. yea, but in the carpet it doesnt stick to your feet as easily sweeper and youre done! no mopping, steam mop, whatever other womanz tools you use and i dont even know what a transient is, but i do not have a dickgina!
  10. generally speaking, one of them is pulling a bumper off a car and the other is tearing apart furniture
  11. carpet ftw....hardwood and tile floors suck...dust, crumbs, dirt, dog hair, etc all over...if you walk through the room barefoot it sticks to your feet and stuff...i much prefer carpet
  12. forgot every dog that gets out is just an innocent pup that "clearly figured out the latch"....never the owners fault, those pesky dogs. also - if a dog chewed up my carpet, i would give it to jbot for proper curb-stompage
  13. if they thought they were doing him a favor, why didnt he ride along with them? and why would he report it stolen? wouldnt it make more sense to just tell police "my friends took my bike since they had a truck" instead of "those damn hillbillies stoled my shit"
  14. i would decapitate two mexican cartel members for some rallys fries!!
  15. like i said - if one attacked MY car like that, thats how i would handle it. i didnt say if i was the officer or anything else. and honestly, any dog that is able to run loose like that and cause damage like that needs to be put down imo... not blaming the dog, its definitely the owners fault, but it is what it is you might not agree with how i said i would handle a certain situation - but you wont convince me otherwise. its not like its a toddler out there with a blow torch melting the bumper, its just a dog. also - inb4 "i love my dog more than i love people"...sure, a lot of people do, but if that was the case here then the dog wouldnt have been out - and if it did get out, it would be trained a little better also - please note i did enjoy the video ..the above response is just that, a response to you, nothing more
  16. close! 88 was the first 7.3...just no powerstrokes until 94...we just scrapped an 88 7.3 dually...what a waste lol ...needed way too much work john - if this thing works out with your place, i may not need to sell this ...leaving the listing up just in case, but hoping i wont have to
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