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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. exactly...how else would you reprogram a computer besides having The Flash donkey-punch it?
  2. if its not 9mm - it cant be gangsta
  3. doesnt take much balls to challenge somebody to something you know is 100% not going to happen....only 1 or 2 people on this board even own s1000rrs, and i am not one of them ....it would however be entertaining for one of them to take him up on his challenge, but since he didnt actually challenge one of them - i dont see it happening not that anyone with an s1000rr would even waste the gas racing a 98 gsxr 750, not that theyre bad bikes or anything - but performance wise you can't even compare them....the gsxr is smaller displacement, and 12 years behind in technology - let alone more than 60whp less than the bmw
  4. whats so "gangsta" about this gun? when i think "gangsta" i think of a full-size glock with extended mag like this: (this one is actually owned by a member on OR....wont say who though since i think its 33-34 rds which i believe is less than legal in ohio?)
  5. flash means resetting the computer and reprogramming it
  6. nice responce to all of my questions. you win bruh.
  7. i already said i read that paragraph - did you not read the summary of the article at the bottom? apparently its not lacking enough power if they still rate it as the best stock bike in the world, even despite their comments about mid and low range power you said it lacks in performance - them saying it lacks in mid-low range power compared to a honda does NOT equal the bike lacking in overall performance, or in engine power. they say its noticeably more powerful than the competitors, and it performs better than the other bikes in other categories as well. their overall thoughts after going through all aspects of the bike were that no other bike compares to it how can you possibly say that the one sentence in that article mentioning its powerband compared to a honda means that the bike "lacks performance" when even the authors of the article say at the end that its the top performer? even mentioning the engine in the summary. you jumped into this thread saying it performs poorly based on an article you accidentally read about the wrong bike - now you realized you were wrong and you cant just admit that you were wrong so youre still trying to argue that the bike lacks in performance, despite everything saying otherwise....its winning in races, its winning at the strip, its receiving top ratings from professionals and comparative studies aswell.... there is not one article or review or anything that points to this bike "lacking in performance"...it handles well, it brakes well, it is faster than the competition....what is "lacking"? mid-low range power? who cares dude - apparently it makes up for it in top end because its still faster and quicker than its competition. man up and admit you were wrong instead of continuing to down the bike based on an article about a completely different bike.
  8. the article said no other bike in the world can compare to it....unless you mean the other article, about a completely different bike.
  9. thats cool - everybody has a riding preference, i know people who prefer 600s to 1ks because thats what they enjoy riding....nothing wrong with that but to say the bmw is lacking in performance when everything else says its #1 is inaccurate
  10. agreed....the engine is far above any other liter bike at this point
  11. actual races? its holding its own http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Jw8osQzqg&feature=related and for comparison reviews - it appears to be in the lead also, with the cbr right behind it...**edit, appears the cbr got one more pt on their overall scale - but more of the testers picked the bmw, so ide say its right on par with the cbr in that test http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/9/6852/Motorcycle-Article/2010-Superbike-Smackdown-VIII-Track-FMM.aspx
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhtSLRVEnwM yep, definitely slow. 10.01@150 right off the showroom floor - no tires, sprockets, pc, stretch, nothing.
  13. i read that - but apparently, its not lacking enough if they sum it up at the bottom by saying
  14. get one size bigger, after the procedure im sure all the estrogen supplements will make you gain a little weight
  15. i believe they only play hardcore team deathmatch
  16. from that SAME article you just posted sooo......where does it say the bike lacks in performance?
  17. youre fucking wrong dude but i lol'd...i think youve personally just sentenced me to hell
  18. and the Chevy Cobalt was spawned by the Chevy Cavalier but theres a big difference in this: and this: whats your point?
  19. so you knew the article was outdated and about a completely different model bike - yet you posted it anyways and claimed the s1000rr to have those same performance specs?
  20. just clicked your review http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/motorbikes/sportmotorbikes/2749981/BMW-HP2-Sport-Question-of-sport.html this one thats not even the same bike dude....were not talking about a BMW HP2 Sport...we're talking about a BMW S1000RR that article was written in 07 before the 1000rr was even invented
  21. agreed. doesnt matter if it was outdated or not because the s1000rr NEVER had 131hp, in any trim - ever.
  22. i agree then. all factory speedos are accurate to the t! i guess police departments waste all that money having the speedos in their cruisers calibrated every year since they were already accurate to begin with not to mention speeding being a no points violation if its less than a certain amount (5 or 7, i forget) due to civilian cars speedos being unreliable and lets not forget that tread depth can cause inaccuracies, along with tire air pressure - oh wait, must be another myth and forget how manufacturers only have to meet a 1-5% accuracy rating, meaning at 100mph, your speedo can say 95-105 and be legit what about my car that was electronically limited at 146mph but showed 158 on the dash at top speed? and if GPS are so innacurate - how come i can run 3 different gps devices in a car and all 3 of them are dead on accurate with each other?
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