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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. BUT...they all have more balls than me lol i wouldnt be out there doing this shit
  2. dude with the mohawk is winning...but damn he fuckin whines a lot
  3. if you say so lol...i dont see it being that hard...and the other people were able to do it ive sat in the passenger seat and shifted before with the car off, and it wasnt bad at all...sure its different, but it cant be that much harder with it running lol now shes on the bridge and still cant shift it even the next day lol
  4. i just watched her spend 5 whole minutes swearing second gear doesnt exist, before finally shifting into it
  5. this girl on here cant fuckin drive...holy shit
  6. a little thicker without ribs showing is better though ^ jayden james is a perfect 10 in my book
  7. nice!! exactly what i want to pick up for home defense
  8. may get with you tomorrow to drop stuff off...whats your schedule like?

    also...on the new forum, you should make a fullscreen chatbox like CR has, maybe get it a little more use

  9. WOW yea you need to call them...something is messed up there, either your router is junk, the modem is bad, or theres a connection issue on their end...+1 to bypassing your router and seeing how strong the connection is
  10. it was a complicated situation...im not denying that they had reason to search me, just explaining a situation...i was long overdue for being searched honestly...but not something i wanna get into detail about
  11. they just instructed me to pull out my pockets and shoes, they never physically touched me...and i didnt refuse so i wasnt told what would happen if i didnt...i was 15 and sitting there with the police, i was a bit overwhelmed and just flipped my pockets when they asked...i didnt want to fight with them - i got suspended once for having cigarettes - i was 15 also...my mom was going into surgery that morning and couldnt come get me, so instead of in school suspension for the day and then starting my suspension, they filed charges, i had to fill out a police report, and then the police put me in the back of his cruiser and took me home...so i didnt wanna fuck with them any more tbh...had nothing to hide so just did as i was told as for the dogs - im not sure if they had dogs or not when they searched my friends car...if so, maybe the dogs smelled something because he did smoke in his car sometimes - but they didnt actually find anything in it because he didnt have anything...but they did break his seat and not fix it...again, i dont know if they had dogs or not, he just told me after school that they broke his seat
  12. not feeling the ribcage either... and her face isnt horrible, i wouldnt kick her outta bed...in all honesty, i was too busy looking at the bike to pay her much attention at first glance, but shes not bad looking imo...ive seen better, but would not call her ugly by any means
  13. the method in the video is the best way..or a hammer, you can even find a flat spot and hammer to not mess up the taper...the front end on that is a little different than any ive worked on (only domestics), so im not sure exactly how its setup, but it appears the top of the balljoint is pressed into the control arm instead of secured by a tie rod end...someone explain it to me please? ive never worked on a honda, but i am familiar with how most domestics are setup in the front
  14. they checked my locker, my bookbag, had me flip out my pockets, take off my shoes and socks...i think that was the extent of it, i didnt drive yet so i didnt have a car in the lot
  15. wondering? he doesnt want to separate it, he just posted the video for fun. and i caught your ninja edit - you were about to have him waste a trip to the parts store, so i only mentioned that maybe you misunderstood what he was trying to do (which, apparently you did) to save him the trip...i hardly call that "butting in where im not needed", atleast no more than your comment to him
  16. this is the tool i thought you were referring to...in which case, is not what he needed..thats why i left the remark i did...there is a difference in separating and removing no need to get so defensive, im tired of arguing with you on everything - i was only mentioning that he did not need a press to separate it youre fucking exhausting to talk to - im done bothering
  17. he isnt pressing out the ball joint - he is separating it from the control arm
  18. my mom withdrew me from the school after that and i used my dads mailing address to finish high school at a different school...the second school was the one where my friends car was searched/broken
  19. oh, they never mentioned my rights...the principal did all the questioning, and he instructed the police officer to search me...they informed my mom of the situation because she knew when i got home, but i doubt they asked for her permissison to search me because she would have told them no
  20. the bike is on a stand, and she is leaned against the bike
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