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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ive seen your work and its amazing, really cool of you to offer
  2. i got a close call..had work priv. but i was house sitting way out of my driving area...one morning at 3am i was driving to work in my pile of shit probe with major exhaust leak...drove past a sheriff on a 2 lane road, he was driving towards me...i did nothing at all, speed limit, everything...he turned around, and ran me down pulling me over....asked to see my driving priv. papers and then let me go on my way...never mentioned me being almost an hour outta my driving area, and never mentioned what actually prompted him to turn around in the first place, just said i was good to go
  3. lol i drove for an entire year while under suspension...probably not the smartest idea, but oh well ...i still had insurance, so i figured i was good to go
  4. i think i put like 200 miles on mine before i had it inspected lol...mostly country roads to my girls, but i rode it on 270/670 a few times commuting to columbus state
  5. you are allowed to drive them to the inspection - thats the only time..you have to have the receipt for the inspection with you, and youre allowed to drive there and nowhere else...shawn trailored my bike for me, i think it had a wobble still, idr
  6. gotcha, thought you meant used cars with no title...even if insurance covers you on riding a salvage title bike, johnny law will not be ok with it...you can call and ask to confirm, but i wouldnt expect a different answer...and if the bike has dealer plates, i dont imagine it matters who is riding it, it still has plates... and yes, its highway patrol not the sheriffs, my mistake - thanks for correcting me judd
  7. i dont think hes the flashy type...he originally had green rollerblade wheels on the little arms that fold up and down on his bike, and they were buggin him all morning lol he switched them to black now
  8. too much $ to spend on a dog...this is why i will never buy one...that and they piss everywhere when they get old
  9. a salvage rebuild has already been inspected, hence "rebuild"...so theres no problem there. and cars without titles? i would check into the legality of that...if a car doesnt have a title, i dont see it being legal to drive on the streets...1. theres a reason theres no title (stolen perhaps?) or 2. self constructed - which you also need to have inspected before you can drive...
  10. ^ the inspection is not to verify if the vehicle is safe to be on the road, its to verify it meets all the requirements to be on the road - lights, horn, etc... you get inspection, then you start road testing to make sure its safe to ride. you cannot ride it without inspection, even with dealer plates. cycle search mentioned this in one of their threads, that the salvage bikes cannot be test ridden due to not being inspected, and them being a dealer, they would have plates for them theres no way to bypass the system, sorry man....i know how ya feel, it sucks, ive been there if youre still unsure, call the sheriffs office and ask them directly...theyre the ones who do the inspections, they will be able to confirm
  11. ^ no such thing as too much black but the chrome does look nice (the only time you'll ever hear me say that about chrome!) the whole bike is awesome man, you did a great job
  12. i would ride that thing - for commuting at least
  13. felony - goodluck direct from the sheriffs office
  14. dude im sitting in an online lecture and the teacher is speaking - im lucky she has the mics shut off right now because i cracked up
  15. oh man, i didnt get invited to the cabin this weekend i feel the love
  16. no..it says in the article they had to show up to contain the fire, they were fighting it on the property line to the neighbors house, who did actually pay the fee
  17. ok, so if this happened in the US, you think it would be the same reaction? everyone with their phones out up close recording it? http://theync.com/media.php?name=18019-get-your nws
  18. why do you think its not on video as often? if someone is dying on the street, its not common in the US for people to pull out their video cameras and start recording it and my questions were in reference to videos on the link i was describing, saying a lot of those things are not recorded as often here...i still believe it to be a PC issue...if a car wrecks in the US and people are laying out dead in the road, people dont take pics and video and post them online - other countries they do...its not that it happens less, its just social values that differ between cultures
  19. i disagree...if there was crime scene video or video of people being mutilated, tortured, killed, etc...the peoples families would raise enough hell that the stuff would not be pushed out...now im not saying our countries is as bad as third world countries, but you wont see the volume of videos cranked out here as you do from third world countries, because its not PC.....if theres a car on fire with kids burning to death inside of it, people here dont take video and post it all over the net...its not first thought to pull out your phone and record, other places its not that big of a deal (yes, this video exists) youre telling me car wrecks dont happen here? accidental injuries dont happen? suicide doesnt happen?
  20. i was just being friendly...if you really think about me in "that" kind of way, i dont think i want to see you anymore...way to make things weird dude
  21. its harder to get footage of this stuff from the US...if a video was posted like this of something happening here, it would draw a lot of media coverage, a lot of bad attention, and its just not PC... third world countries it doesnt matter...you can find crime scene video and shit from other countries - sure the same crimes happen here, but people would flip if there was video all over good example www.theync.com ^ NWS - also, dont click if you have a weak stomach thats the kinda shit posted from around the world, because those third world countries have better things to worry about than media - unlike us
  22. i havent seen the new bags...are they that bad??
  23. epic points if you got rid of toddler and went right back to it
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