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Everything posted by FocusDave01

  1. this is only for today and only at my branch district manager approved us to give people $25 to open new accounts..you have to deposit $50...but after you get your debit card in the mail and use that $50 we will reimburse you the $50 so you initially get $25 right off the bat and then the $50 you spend. You cannot have a US Bank account or ever had one new customers only...and only at my branch here in west chester any questions pm me!
  2. shes taking my bike next weekend to mid ohio!!
  3. +100 o and here is a for jess and her cheesey taters!!
  4. jess needs to bring cheesy taters!!!
  5. i got neg rep from this thread to but it jsut says -gheyyy
  6. hmm yeah wasnt me...we have stalkers!!!!
  7. come to think of it ive never given out negative rep...
  8. i wont be up there till like 830 or 9 since i dont get off till 6ish hopefully ur all still there lol...coming from cincy long drive lol
  9. me and maybe a few others riding down early sunday morning since we will be up there for the annivarsary party!! ur welcome to join!
  10. this thread needs a hug..better yet how bout a
  11. whats this bartender look like? pics? give a reason for matt to be jealous
  12. wow lol looks like you could get every tool made in there! and some bodies too!
  13. damn they chancged the forcast again? i know last night it said saturday and sunday perfectly fine...
  14. yeah shouldnt be a problem man gonna get a backpack today before i leave to take some clothes up with me plenty of room!

  15. yeah they where probably making fun of something on my bike
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