yeah called autozone like 2 days later and they said they had a bike key they found in there parking lot and they kept it for me in the safe the guy that recomended the nano wax knew it was my key casue we were bsing about bikes all that time!
i feel loved!! so ill prob be seein you and some of the dayton peeps sunday gonna meet up with everyone on my way back from columbus...u should ride down to..
if its at 11am on sunday ill def swing thru on my back from columbus...ill be on 42 south so im sure there a way to get to dayton there once i hit xenia or something..
haha i know got worse since ive been riding up to columbus last 3 weekends and yeah they are planks im lookin to get new tires soon...that rear is wearin down on me...
Tried this wax that was recomended by an auto detailer..good for bikes cause it doesnt leave spots when you cant get every nook and cranny...i think it turned out good!