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Everything posted by siggywiggy

  1. graphic designer / production manager / prepress for a digital printing company
  2. yeah, check out attack painter on here. not sure if he does powder coating but from what ive seen he does a great job with paint
  3. i was there all day as well. some nice bikes. didn't meet anyone new.
  4. they said average for a 750 was 115-117 area. they said it was good numbers
  5. siggywiggy

    my dyno

    i rode down to the loudonville bike show and UPI out of ashland had a dyno there for $10. I had a good steady pull and my hp was 120.98 not bad for a 04 gsxr 750 my buddy has a 01 zx9r and it was at 128.67. we also got free t-shirts. can't beat the price.
  6. ^^^what he said i still say there must be winners and losers. Who isn't getting healthcare? Why do you care? If someone can't afford it, perhaps they could have disciplined themselves when they were younger; or perhaps they could grow a pair and go do some intensive labor. Is it my responsible to take care of them if they can't take care of themselves. I believe america has become lazy and our thought pattern has changed to "lets all live in a perfect world" its not going to happen. I am not saying everyone is in this category, some people can't work, some people have accidents, outside influences that they cannot control. If the government didn't take all of our money and determine who they think should get it perhaps we would take care of our own. TOO MUCH Government Interference.
  7. i agree, but without "winners" and "losers" all competition is thrown out the window which will result in poor health care for everyone. I believe everyone should have health care. If a "good doctor" gets the same amount of pay as a "poor" doctor where is the incentive. Every business, every working individual is in it for the money. Profit is everything to every economy. If you take from the wealthy and give to the poor in any situation, it will only cause problem. solution: IDK I don't know how you can have both health care for everyone individual and keep the competitive nature within the business. I think health care industry would be much more affordable if the amount of law suits and insurance fees were cut to a minimum. Those 2 things have ran up costs in almost every industry. just my 2 cents and some ramblings
  8. i would have soiled myself! Glad your ok!
  9. yeah that sword is great! "captain pose"
  10. yeah, today traffic was bad; but it was still enjoyable. it was good to finally meet some people on here!
  11. sorry guys, im in and my buddy also. possibly, my roommate. I will be in loudonville at 11:30
  12. i know these routes very well. we can take 97 through the state park, take a detour go down through the covered bridge hit the mega twisties, then jump on 95 outside of perrysville. 95 runs to butler, then we can get back on 97 and take it back to loudonville it would be a good 1hr trip at least. basically the same rt. ousley is talking about. if that route is a bit long we can double back around the dam which has some nasty corners in it and come back through loudonville. That would be a 30min ride maybe.
  13. you guys meet wherever. I am going to meet you guys in loudonville. yes by east of chi pizza. it might be a marathon station. not sure. some where in there. I will find ya. 11:30?
  14. i am only 20 min from loudonville so whenever is good with me. there is a gas station area near the go carts if you all want to meet there at 11:30. (its on rt. 3 south of loudonville about a mile.)
  15. rt3 will be your guys best rt. to ride. you could also take 21 to i think 585 or some rt down to rt 3 as well. If you all want to meet in loudonville at a certain place at a certain time, we can meet up. I know some good roads as well
  16. welcome! bucks in lexington has bike nights every friday now.
  17. also, i think the loudonville bike show is this weekend, im not sure. If so that is just a mile up the road from the go cart area.
  18. im not sure if go carts are open yet. they are rebuilding the tracks. I saw a new oval track being put in a couple weeks ago. I may meet up with you all if you go.
  19. welcome bro. I used to live in galion, now in mansfield. I may be hitting you up for that scooter. i was planning on taking my test next wednesday, but have a work conflict. I may reschedule for friday or saturday of next week. let me know if i can borrow it.
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