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Posts posted by jschaf

  1. So the moral to the story is: Don't be an ass & tailgate. Don't be an ass & camp out in the passing lane with your cruise control on going maybe 1 or 2 mph faster than traffic in the right lane. Dont be an ass & try to exact revenge when you meet another ass (Although you claim not, I do believe your pants are on fire. Can you honestly say that you still would have made such an abrupt, last second lane change if there was no one behind you.) When driving in the USA I come up behind someone such as you I simply put on my right signal, give a wide berth & pass on the right. If I'm driving in Europe & I'm coming up on someone in the passing lane I simply put on the left turn signal & they get the hell out of the way with no hard feelings. Drive (ride) with logic not emotion. It's safer & less people will think you're an ass.

  2. I've been running 55s on my CBR for 3 sets now. The change was positive with quicker turn ins as said. They will give you about 3% taller gearing than stock though. Going down a tooth in front with the tire change will give you about 3% shorter gearing than stock.

  3. It says a lot about the company you work for when they want you to take more responsibility for less pay. What it says is that they are greedy bastards (& what company isn't.) This is the price we pay for living in a "free" society. Good luck.

  4. I remember the over 700cc tariff well. I bought a new 700cc 1986 Yamaha Fazer. It was short stroked from the 750cc version sold elsewhere due to the tariff. Not a bad bike for the day & I surely wasn't going to pay a tariff & I surely wasn't going to buy a harley.

  5. The first bike I ever owned was great in the snow (1973 Yamaha 360 enduro with knobbies & a huge rear sprocket). I used to take it out in the snowy trails in the back 40 & enjoy the rooster tails. Subsequent bikes have not been quite as good in the snow. I had my CBR600RR out one night (very) late in the season one time. It was clear when I left the house & there was about 2 inches of the white stuff on the roads when I got back home. Not a ride I wish to repeat.

  6. WTF? I met a guy in Texas that was driving in New Jersey & got 2 years in jail in New York for an unregistered handgun. He had the unfortunate experience of driving on the same road that a presidental motorcade was on & then getting pulled over for a minor traffic violation. Hope everybody that reads this has better luck.

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