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Everything posted by Schap

  1. Schap

    Saturday 10/3

    You did better than me. I hope to get a quick ride in today...just need to run to the hardware store. Nothing exciting.
  2. Schap

    Saturday 10/3

    It's never too late to ride. Get out there!
  3. Schap

    Saturday 10/3

    Agree. The pace you and the others set the last (first) time I rode 10/22 worked well for me. I've got to get down there soon! (hmmm...I do have a couple days off I need to take before the end of the year... )
  4. Schap

    Saturday 10/3

    Enjoy the ride. I've got to pass.
  5. Schap

    Saturday 10/3

    Tempting... I'll let you know.
  6. Using the Grundge Brush...not a rag!...keeps my hands away from the chain, but I'm not going to take that chance anymore. I'll just turn the wheel by hand. (Yes, I've put my bike in gear while it was on the rear stand. )
  7. I rode Tuesday and Wednesday. I'd ride today, but (like Monday) I've got to meet with a client. For those of you that are rideing, enjoy it!
  8. hmmm...looks like you can vote more than once. *hint hint*
  9. I'm planning to go. My dad and a couple of his buddies might tag along. This will be the first time that I've watched a high-climb race in person.
  10. Voted. You're winning by 5 or 6.
  11. That's a route! Maybe I'll need a day off Tuesday but probably not going to happen this week.
  12. Where is this performance shop? I've been looking for other shops in the Cincinnat-Dayton area that will tune bikes, but the best I've found are in Indy, Toledo, and Columbus. P.S. Nice video.
  13. Agree. It sounds like there's more to the 10/22 than I thought. Next time, I'll shoot to get to 1504.
  14. I'm in Mason. Just north of Tylersville Rd (Exit 22 on 75?). I'm not too familiar with the Dayton roads, except for 75 > 675 > 70 to Comp. Acc.

    Also, I guess you're saying I'm a responsible rider--I appreciate that. Nice to meet you today.

    Saturdays are best for me for the rest of this year. Let me know when you want to meet.

  15. Great roads today (minus all the yard sales and grass cutting!). I'm looking forward to another trip in the future, but I'll have to pass on tomorrow. Have a good ride.
  16. Schap

    Saturday 10/22 ride

    Sounds familiar. I think I was on this road before back in the fall of 07. I don't think I made it to 22, but I found another road that I made a few passes on. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
  17. Schap

    Saturday 10/22 ride

    I agree and thanks for handing down the lecture. Like the first time I rode the Dragon, I'll take it easy. I like to have some fun, but I'm not there to prove anything. I'm surprised the speed limit is 55. Let the good times roll.
  18. As mentioned in the Sunday 10/22 thread, here's the "Saturday 10/22" thread for this Saturday (Sept. 12). This will be my first time on 10/22 (at least I think it will be). Based on comments in the Sunday thread, we've got some interest for Saturday...and a group of 4-5 from Dayton may be able to make it! Details: Saturday, Sept. 12 @ 10:30 a.m. Shell on AA
  19. Perfect. I'll meet you (and anyone else) at Shell between 10:30 and 11:00 on Saturday. (If you don't see me by 11:00, move on, because my wife likely got stuck at the car dealer, and I'm at home watching the kids.) I've got nothing to prove when I ride, but I would like to scrub in the edges of my tires a little more (highway commuting tends to only wear down the center...).
  20. Good suggestions and feedback. You got it. Later this week, I'll post a new thread for Saturday. It looks like I'll be a little later, like 10. If you can make it, great. If not, then I'll take my time learning the road. Is this the Shell? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1430+GLORIA+TERRELL,+WILDER,+KY+41076&sll=38.986367,-84.42255&sspn=0.0902,0.153637&ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=39.009292,-84.469781&panoid=fsLZ736kMkvT9dMtUFvrXQ&cbp=12,157.81,,0,5&ll=39.00928,-84.469886&spn=0.011271,0.019205&z=16&iwloc=A
  21. Thanks for the feedback. I mapped the route and plan to ride it this Saturday. One more question (and I'll probably get flamed for it): Does everyone wear one-piece suits? (I found a vid on YouTube of the road--you guys?--and it looked like the riders had suits on.) All I've got for now is the usual (gloves, helmet, leather jacket, jeans, boots...). I know my limit and respect others abilities, so I'd likely hang with the slower groups. I heard you divide the group into 3-4 groups. Bring on Saturday! I'll probably get to the north end of 10 by 9:00.
  22. Is there ever a Saturday 10/22 ride? I talked to a few of you at last Friday's bike night and 10/22 sounds like a great ride. Sunday mornings aren't good for me.
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