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Everything posted by baghli

  1. lol i know man im just playing. whats the saying "they wouldnt tease u if they didnt love u" idk tht might just been something my mom told me to make me think all the kids at school actually liked me as i grew up haha
  2. u just flat out hate everyone dont u? lol
  3. lol, its all good man i just totally didnt c that 1 comin! kk, dont u have a new trophy u should go polish off?
  4. haha i have a few riders from tmcf.us that r up for a ride in town but nothing is definite yet. ill keep u updated but let me know when u find out for sure if u can or cant make it. now question for u, was his r6 specifically garbage or r u calling all R6's garbage? lol
  5. a lil harsh dont u think?? i was merely explaining y another rider would potentially not be cool with it... there was no need for the hostile comeback!
  6. haha i was just tryin to help u out coz if i recall didnt u say something like: C!! just trying to be a good friend here!
  7. shit ya that was real nice of him... but then again he did own a kawi so he couldnt have been that bright.... haha jk!
  8. Thats assuming previous owner is willing to let DF ride with their plates... The seller would be kind of liable if they did... If DF got any tickets with speed or red light cams then those go to the sellers house and they r responsible for them. Or lets say DF decides to flee from the cops when they are on pursuit for speeding and they get the license plate number then the seller would be in a lot of trouble if DF was to get away lol. Im not saying DF would do anything like that but if its a seller thats been met on ebay or craigslist then they probably wont be comfortable letting DF use their plates. I mean would u?
  9. thats what i would personally do but he needs the title to get temp tags for it so unless s/he has plates from another bike but even then ud still need someone else to ride along in the car with u so u can ride it back. what kinda bike u getting?
  10. r we letting out some hidden emotions there? u go ahead and let it all out now. no1 here is gonna judge!
  11. ok that took me a second to get haha... i didnt c what ur screen name was so i thought u were telling me people called u gay and i couldnt figure out y the hell u were telling me that... haha
  12. lol thats what i originally thought but ur name is that "dude" lol... so threw me off a lil...
  13. lol ive actually never met any1 else around here that says kk... i was kinda surprised to see someone use it but now theres more than 1 person... lol... for a while i actually felt unique... oh well
  14. 4k seems like a fair price actually. I mean it isnt my place to tell u how much to sell the bike for but i dont think 4k is low balling by any means.
  15. k cool thx ill b sending it out tmr. dude this site is sweet especially since none of my lame ass friends will get bikes!
  16. baghli

    Thursday 4/16

    Man, im moving to Cincinnati! Nobody from toledo seems to wanna ride... lol
  17. If we get something going ill also post on tmcf.us to hopefully get more riders.
  18. RIP I hate how negligent people in cars are. I cant count the number of times I have had a car completely turn into a lane while im in it... Luckily we have the agility and speed to get out of it most of the time and the fact that I can usually fit in a lane with a car is also nice but it gets really annoying... Motorcyclists get the bad rep for others mistakes, its a shame really!
  19. p.s. who is the chick in the avatar? lol
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