Yup... last Friday I ordered from Amazon. Sunday about 1, USPS arrived! USPS had to do something to stay alive in today's day and age!
:thumbup: for Amazon Prime!
This "Christmas Tree" was on the Art Wall of a Hilliard Elementary School. Think Mom and Dad will put it on the Fridge???
We have a 1/2 Crawl. I ended up building a 8' Wide x 16' Deep platform (rather level). I lined shelves on both side and the back, then built a 3' Wide Ladder to get up there. It has helped a TON in crawl space access....
I want one of these:
East German Shepard
VERY smart (used by a lot of Police Depts), a little smaller than the "normal" ones. I have talked to a few owners of them.... VERY family friendly. Not sure of hair though..... probably normal Shepard???