I was very happy with Circle D in Texas with the TC in the Marauder.
If you are not wanting a performance TC, they are probably not what you are wanting though....
Obviously, it means you fail at creating an Intro that is worth a piss in a bucket. I will give you props for the Name Dropping, but your First Post is equalled by the Titanic's Maiden Voyage.
In my opinion, you have already given too much personal information.
I only give out my Cell Number, and meet up at a very busy, public location. However, dealing with all of those pavers would be a bitch on your end.
Good luck...
I hate to hop on the wagon.... but you need to lawyer up. If you were not at fault, you should be able to get a decent settlement.
PS - Have the Misses make you a cake. It will make you happy for a few