This is from the Maruder Forum:
Stolen Camaro, Cleveland area...
I know nobody probably cares, but one of the folks from just had his Camaro stolen a couple days ago. He put some decent work into it and ya know, I probably would be bummed if some piece of crap stole MY piece of crap!
It was stolen from W.140th/Detroit area, and has been spotted a few times since then by members who live out west. I know mpearce might come across this and maybe some of the folks who work near downtown might see it.
'92 Camaro...
Black with dual red stripes down the middle.
Last seen with plate EVA1866.
Before the theft...
After the theft, taken a couple days ago by someone who saw the car but couldn't confirm the registration and therefore didn't want to send the cops on a wild goose chase...
I know it's a Camaro, but if ya see it, do the right thing!
Then the Camaro guys will have to say "those Marauder guys are nice."