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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. KillJoy

    at work drinking

    Nope. They don't want to be in Hell! You fail! .... or is it phail??? KillJoy
  2. KillJoy

    at work drinking

    Phil, what do people in Hell want? KillJoy
  3. If you are actually going to do a LSx Swap into a Grand Cherokee, that is bad ass! :thumbup: KillJoy
  4. KillJoy

    at work drinking

    Apparently, you haven't met Phil. He can get drunk off of a sip of one of my drinks KillJoy
  5. Ez pz. I also look at crossword puzzles and words just jump out at me (except those damn backwards and diagonal ones). Anyone else? KillJoy
  6. Actually, they think they might have found "patient 0". It is a child. They have no clue how he would have gotten / mutated it as of yet. KillJoy
  7. KillJoy

    at work drinking

    Why are you back at Verizon? Why are you in fucking Lancaster? Why the fuck are you admitting to be lit while at work on a public forum? KillJoy
  8. Your spelling fucking sucks. It makes you sound retarded and completely uneducated. For fuck's sake, you edit a post and it is still hard as hell to read. I think a 13 year old chick who texts for her life is easier understood than you. And if you work there, ANYONE on CR should be able to become employed there as well. God damn I feel bad for whoever reads the notes you type into people files.... KillJoy
  9. See... was that so hard? For the price you are asking, that would make a pretty bad ass cafe racer. KillJoy
  10. Why the hell would someone who is originally from DAYTON, who now lives in NEBRASKA sign up for a local COLUMBUS car forum? :thumbdown: KillJoy PS - That intro sucks, but I have seen worse...
  11. http://www.interstate-guide.com/images701/i-785_nc_sign.jpg KillJoy
  12. Cannabis Regiment Syndrome? KillJoy
  13. It is "you're", not "your"..... KillJOy
  14. I'm just sayin...... You have a bike you are wanting to sell at a VERY reasonable price. Most would like to see what it looks like before commiting. Pics sell.... True story GL! KillJoy
  15. Flash Light + Camera Flash = Sold tonight KillJoy
  16. I had "DCEPTIV" on my Marauder. It now lived on my Grand Am (only for a few more weeks or so). KillJoy
  17. KillJoy

    Backup Weapon?

    I would carry THIS. KillJoy
  18. A long time friend of our Family decided she was tired of sitting on the back of her Husband's Goldwing, and wanted to drive for herself. Being a 50+ woman, she opted for a Goldwing Trike. Now, her Husband has said that once he gets to the point he no longer feels comfortable flicking his Goldwing around The Trail of the Dragon anymore, he would GLADLY trade it in for a Trike. All bikes serve a purpose. Some go fast, some look good, some are loud, and some enable folks the ability to ride that might not be able to otherwise. KillJoy
  19. Eh.... they are ass' then I have to Cruisers AND Sporties.... Hell, I even wave to Trikes, but I'll be damned if I gotta wave to scooters... KillJoy
  20. Does this Thread imply that Scooters ARE motorcycles? What's next... waving to them?!?! KillJoy
  21. KillJoy

    Any Interest?

    Ugh..... I have just talked to the Misses about this. Apparently, I am not available for any amount of time during mid-day weekends, for the next 5+ weeks! Hopefully someone else can pick this up and run with it. :( KillJoy
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