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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. .308 for long range fun .22LR for close range fun :thumbup: KillJoy
  2. Damn..... I am at Broad and 4th. KillJoy
  3. Well.... the House Alarm would sound. They would know, that I knew they were there. Assumably the Alarm would be dialing (land line, or cellular backup). A rack of a shotgun would let them know I am armed. Diall 911 from Cell Phone. Hopefully, that combo would be enough for them to flee. I would make my way to our Daughter's room, and stay put until Police Arrive. If force came to force, one shot to center of mass should cease the Threat. If not, repeat. :thumbup: KillJoy
  4. Ouzo..... Dunno.... whatever.... Me no like..... KillJoy
  5. About 1/4 gone at most. Tastes like ass (Black Licorise). Free to good home. You MUST pick it up. I WILL NOT deliver or ship this. :thumbup: KillJoy
  6. 401K We will be setting up a Roth here shortly. Small stack of cash in the Bank. I do not think we will ever be able to "retire and move south". A part time job will probably always be necessary The way this ecomomy is going, my 401k has hit the crapper and lost damn near 45%. Luckily, what I have put into it is still there. The Company's Match, and the profit it made.....not-so-much. I think our WHole Life Ins reaches it's peak when I am ~65. Cash that out, and it should be $1m-ish. For us, it will be determined on how life goes, and money flows. KillJoy
  7. So..... get hoppin froggy? KillJoy
  8. Hell.... we hardly ever use ours, but I'll be damned if I will sell it! Wii's are about the BEST Party Game Device EVER!!!! Drunk Bowling..... Drunk Wario..... Drunk Mario Kart.... You get the idea KillJoy
  9. Everyone better have one of THESE!!! I am guessing Hal and Scott already have theirs! :bangbang: KillJoy
  10. What the fuck does this thread have to do with fucking a penguin? KillJoy
  11. Kenny is getting his education on..... he is reading a Curious George book! KillJoy
  12. HA!!!!! I had not thought of that!!! :bangbang: KillJoy
  13. Damn... the guy's wife would not let him make the trade..... KillJoy
  14. Ninja Skills.... :ninja: KillJoy
  15. I just talked to my co-worked about these. He said he is not interested, nor any IRL Friends. But, he did say he would mention it to a few Guildies KillJoy
  16. Really...... that is new...... FAIL! KillJoy
  17. ... for $3000 1 2 3 2005 Buell Lightning XB9SX CityX 984cc. 2885 Miles. Small scratch on tank and a small L shaped tear in the seat where a bicycle fell onto it. asking $5700 obo. KillJoy PS - The sonner the response....the better
  18. I had an AVIC D3 in the Marauder. I LOVED the thing. I worked amazing from OH to FL and OH to CHI......... I would have one in my next toy...... if I had a next toy KillJoy
  19. Fucking TRUTH!!! :bangbang: KillJoy
  20. Calm down there shooter. No one is trying to hyjack your Thread, but it, apparently, is interesting to several. I wish you the best of luck selling YOURS!!!! :bangbang: KillJoy PS - My co-worker was not in today to let him know about you sale.....
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