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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. ...but... Darwin... KillJoy
  2. You have way too much faith in the Police and "The Process".... :dumb: KillJoy
  3. Different strokes, for different folks! I am a firm believer in Lump Charcoal that is started in a Chimney. That being said, season whatever yummy, tasty dead animal you want with your favorites. Sea Salt and Fresh Cracked Pepper are pretty much staples for Beef. I rub the Grill Grate w/ Peanut Oil just before putting the meat on. Once your coals are white and ashy, the temps (at least in MY grill) are around 350* - 400*. Depending on the thickness of the steak, and the doneness wanted, just a few minutes is all it takes. If you have a Thermostat w/ a Temp Probe, use it to begin with to get a feel for what is going on. Worst case... JERKY! Best case.... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... :thumbup: KillJoy
  4. Take a course @ Tolls Tech (or similar) and go from there? KillJoy
  5. I did Black Friday once. Never again. Nothing is worth getting up at 2am and standing in line in the cold to find out there are only 20 and they are all gone. KillJoy
  6. And this is learn-able in a 12 Hour Course? KillJoy
  7. Like what? And you make it sound like a LOT more then a 12 Hour Course.... KillJoy
  8. Okay.... please, what should you LEARN in your 12 Hour Course? KillJoy
  9. If you have been around firearms your whole life, always hunted, always had a Hunting License..... There is little you will "learn" in 12 hrs of instruction. ...just sayin... KillJoy
  10. See HERE for the LOL REFERENCE :lolguy: KillJoy
  11. ...that's not uncommon with the Super Stocks.... Hell, I have seen at least 3 different Tractors shoot a block down the track! :thumbup: KillJoy
  12. You are going bald.... KillJoy
  13. Ditch the DSL and get Cable... :thumbup: KillJoy
  14. That would actually be quite fun! I mean.... the Parent's usually make the car, or a good portion of it themselves.... :thumbup: KillJoy
  15. I am sure for $400 you could obtain 2-3 Single Shot 12 gauge Shotguns. :thumbup: KillJoy
  16. That sucks. Out of curiosity... if the Barbie House was hidden BEHIND your Work bench.... how was it seen? I ask, because Smalls is getting one for Christmas this year. The box is not very thick....... KillJoy
  17. The Powder Room's range loads are reloads from a mix of everything. Never had any issues (granted, this was YEARS ago..). KillJoy
  18. Do you have an Under Quilt? KillJoy
  19. A friend used to have a Jeep Wrangler. He ALWAYS left it unlocked. Some dumbass cut the Soft Top to "unlock" the door. Stupid McDumbass didn't even check to see if it was unlocked. KillJoy
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