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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. I was looking at some things today.... what are your thoughts to something like THIS? KillJoy
  2. Paging Dr. John. :thumbup: KillJoy
  3. I will have The Misses look tomorrow at their internal Craigslist. KillJoy
  4. Wow..... Just WOW! That is a hard one to get dropped on you. Damn... KillJoy
  5. Use 43215 (Downtown) as the Zip. There are still several left in town. :thumbup: KillJoy
  6. HOLY GAMEBOY Collection!!!!! KillJoy
  7. Clicky Latest BCS Standings (Top 5): 1 Florida State 2 OHIO STATE 3 Auburn 4 Alabama 5 Missouri Complete Standings: http://bit.ly/18wMiw4 :thumbup: KillJoy
  8. I always wanted a MAME Cabinet. I just could not bring myself to follow through. Today, I saw these: Atari Flashback 4 Sega Genesis Nowhere near as cool though! :thumbup: KillJoy
  9. Ok. You're right. He had nothing to do with his death. It was completely out of his control. You are right. I am wrong. Happy? KillJoy
  10. Never once have I said, or implied he was driving. I had a lot more typed. But, it doesn't matter. I am wrong and a dick. So be it. KillJoy
  11. Was this done at freeway speeds on the freeway? http://i.imgur.com/FlVr3Cq.png KillJoy
  12. I meant everything I typed. I quoted your comment. I then typed "dumb" surrounded by Colons. This was to imply the stupidity of your comment. I then typed "lolguy" surrounded by Colons. This was to imply the comedy of your comment. Personal comments against me for my opinion are completely lol-worthy! KillJoy
  13. Don't say that.... people will call you an asshole.... :dumb: KillJoy
  14. No, not drunk.... YET! However, I have no compassion for anyone who's life was taken due to their own stupidity. Did I know the guy? No. Did anyone here know the guy? Doubtful. Ok.. so the dude made a few movies a few folks liked. So what? People die every day. Life goes on. Perhaps I see death different then most. KillJoy
  15. Well... he's no longer here to care.... so...???? KillJoy
  16. Got one! Thanks and lock it up! KillJoy
  17. I have had good luck with the inexpensive products from HERE! :thumbup: KillJoy
  18. Amazon has a Kindle Fire HD for $139. KillJoy
  19. I figured I would check here before I pulled the trigger. I am wanting to purchase a Kindle Fire or an iPad for a Christmas Gift. Let me know know if you have anything available! Thanks! KillJoy
  20. KillJoy


    C :thumbup: KillJoy
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