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Posts posted by KillJoy

  1. i do believe its hard to find a 17yr old who can handle a 5liter like i can


    Yup....you are a young guy w/ a "fast" car. This post right here sums up your entire problem. You are young and know everything.


    When you mature a little, you will realize that when you do something stupid, it will probably piss someone off, and bitching about that person does NOTHING!





  2. Were can you get a 1 Farad Cap for $20 at?


    Thanks for all the info guys.


    Suprisingly..... EBay.


    I have purchased 3 off of there at different times. One was used - $19 shipped. The other 2 were new at about $25 shipped each.





  3. It amazes me the amount of information folks put out there. All Post #1 left out was the Address.




    And to answer your question: I would run the 0-Gauge wire to a Distribution Block in the trunk. Then split it off. A 1 Farad Cap is about $20, and will help a little with some dimming of the lights. The Mono Amp is going to be the major power comsumer.



  4. though on 4r70w's it is very apparent when the converter isnt seated because you cannot get the transmission to sit flush against the block without pulling it in with bolts (which should never be done).





    Thanks. It seemed to sit flush w/o having to use the bolts. Also, the TC spun freely before connecting it to the Flexplate. The TC did pull just a hair closer to the FP when tightening the TC bolts.


    Is there a way to tell if the Pump is damaged w/o disassemblying the Trans?



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